People who receive community waiver services can chose Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS). This option gives you the flexibility to plan the right mix of services and supports for your needs. You will be responsible for hiring and managing your direct care staff.
How it works
Contact Ramsey County intake at 651-266-4500 and press 3. Ask to be assessed for a Home and Community Waiver.
The assessor determines your needs, which results in your budget, which is set by the state.
Your case manager and the Ramsey County CDCS coordinator review the forms.
When your plan is approved, hire a fiscal agency. The fiscal agency does payroll, pays for approved goods and services, and gives monthly spending reports to you.
You must attend a CDCS training each year. (See upcoming CDCS training dates below)
Learn more about person-centered planning and service requirements:
For more information, contact your case manager or email the CDCS coordinator.
CDCS Participant Training
Individuals interested in starting CDCS or new to CDCS are required to attend training. This training is also available to CDCS participants who need a refresher. Participants should watch the following trainings: