Ramsey County Veterans Services provides assistance to veterans, their dependents and survivors in applying for veterans’ benefits provided by the state of Minnesota and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Approximately 25,000 veterans live in Ramsey County.
Veterans Services currently offers in-person appointments, along with virtual appointments by phone and video call. Appointments are encouraged. Walk-in clients are welcome but may not be immediately served. Call 651-266-2545 to schedule an appointment with a county Veterans Service Officer.
Make a referral to Veterans Services
Visit Us
In-person appointments and documents can be dropped off at our office at 90 Plato Blvd. W, Suite 210. Documents can also be faxed to 651-266-2546. Get in touch with Veterans Services at 651-266-2545 or via our web form.
Getting started
Our office helps veterans access VA health care benefits, file claims for VA compensation and VA pension, and apply for veterans' benefits through the state of Minnesota. To be eligible for benefits you must be a veteran, spouse, dependent, surviving spouse, qualifying child of a deceased veteran, active duty military service member or a member of the Reserves or National Guard.
Using our services
Our County Veterans Service Officers (CVSOs) are certified and accredited to assist veterans in understanding the benefits they are eligible to receive, to assist in applying for those benefits and to work as advocates during the benefit process. We are available for appointments at our office Monday through Friday and do outreach through community events. To make an appointment call our main line at 651-266-2545.
Veterans benefits
The Ramsey County Veterans Services office can assist veterans and their dependents with obtaining a variety of federal, state and local benefits.
- Federal benefits include: disability, pension, health care, education, burial and home loans.
- State benefits include: education, employment, health, burials, assistance and families.
- Local benefits include: Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption, Minnesotans' Military Appreciation Fund and Beyond the Yellow Ribbon.