Homestead is a classification of property that is occupied by an owner or relative of the owner, and is used as a primary place of residence. The State of Minnesota maintains the homestead program for residents who own and occupy their home or have a qualifying relative who occupies the home called the Homestead Market Value Exclusion. This program has two benefits for qualifying homeowners:
- It reduces the taxable market value of the property (for properties valued under $517,200 only), which in turn may lower taxes.
- It is one of the qualifying factors for homeowners to receive the State of Minnesota Property Tax Refund.
Special homestead programs
- Homestead for persons who are blind or have a disability
- Homestead exclusion for veterans with a disability
- Multiple owner (fractional) homestead
Homestead qualification change
Due to a new legislative change, owners or qualifying relatives of owners can now file for homestead using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
This new law allows ITIN to be used instead of social security number to file for homestead. If you have not filed for homestead in the past, you may now qualify.
Please call our office at 651-266-2040 or email [email protected] for further information. The time to file is now until Dec. 31, 2024.
Due dates
Type | Date |
Manufactured home homestead applications due | May 29 |
Homestead abatement applications due | July 1 |
Last day to apply for the homestead program for persons who are blind or have a disability | Oct. 1 |
Last day to own and occupy to homestead for current assessment year | Dec. 31 |
Last day to apply for residential and agricultural homestead | Dec. 31 |
Last day to apply for the homestead exclusion for veterans with a disability | Dec. 31 |
To qualify for homestead:
- You must own the property, or be a relative or in-law of the owner (son, daughter, parent, grandchild, grandparent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew).
- You or your relative must occupy the property as the primary place of residence.
- You must be a Minnesota resident. If the occupant is a relative of the owner, the owner does not have to be a Minnesota resident.
- You must file a Certificate of Real Estate Value for homestead status to be granted.
- You can receive homestead status for more than one property, if a relative uses a second home owned by you as their primary residence.
How to apply
Complete and submit an application with a copy of your deed (including the legal description). Depending on your living situation, you may have to submit additional forms, including:
- A copy of the ownership deed to your property (if you purchased your property in the last three months).
- A copy of your Certificate of Real Estate Value (CRV) (if you purchased your property in the last three months).
- A non-occupant relative/co-owner or non-occupant spouse form (if applicable).
- For properties owned by a trust, include one of the following:
- A copy of the Certificate of Trust.
- A copy of the page(s) from the trust showing the grantor/trustor/settlor and the signature and notary page(s).
Completed Homestead applications will be accepted via U.S. mail and at secure form drop-off locations.
- By mail: Send the application and required documentation to
Ramsey County Assessor’s Office – Homestead Unit
P.O. Box 64097
Saint Paul, MN 55164-0097
Applications are not accepted via fax or email. Please do not use staples on any forms.
You will not receive a confirmation of your homestead application. Please check your next tax statement/value notice and proposed tax notice to verify your homestead status. You may also contact us to verify your homestead status by calling 651-266-2040 or emailing [email protected].
Applications and forms
Homestead application
Homestead application (PDF)
Non-occupant co-owner/relative
This form must be enclosed with an application when the owner of the property does not live there, but a qualifying relative occupies the property as their primary residence. Example: A couple owns a house and their child is the occupant. The owner(s) (in this case, the couple) complete the non-occupant form, and the child completes the homestead application.
Non-occupant co-owner/relative (PDF)
Non-occupant spouse
This form must be enclosed with an application when only one spouse occupies the property (even if only one spouse owns the property). Example: Marriage dissolution proceedings, legal separation or place of employment prevents one of the spouses from occupying the property. The spouse occupying the property completes the non-occupant form, making sure to check one of the boxes relevant to his or her situation. Depending on which box is checked, the spouse is required to attach a copy of all relevant documents listed next to the checked box. The occupant spouse completes the homestead application.
Non-occupant spouse (PDF)
Change of primary residence
If at any time the property is sold, or you change your primary residence, you are required to notify the County Assessor within 30 days. If you fail to notify the County Assessor within 30 days of the change, you will be required to pay the tax that is due on the property based on its correct property class plus a penalty equal to the same amount.
Homestead credit property tax refund
The State of Minnesota administers two property tax refund programs for homesteaded properties. You may be eligible for one or both of these refunds:
- Regular property tax refund: Sometimes called the circuit breaker, this refund is based on your household income and the amount of property tax you pay on your principal place of residence.
- Special property tax refund: This refund requires your net property tax to have increased by at least 12 percent and $100, and is not based on income.
- Life estates: Elderly homeowners may transfer their property to a relative or friend but continue to occupy the property under a "life estate". The occupants keep an ownership interest in the home and will qualify for the Homestead Credit Refund, provided they meet the regular qualifications, regardless of who pays the property taxes.
Delinquent taxes must be paid in full, or you must have set up a payment plan, before you can apply for a refund.
If you have questions regarding your homestead credit refund, please contact the Minnesota Department of Revenue.
Manufactured homes homestead classification
After purchasing and moving into your home, you should apply for homestead classification as soon as possible. The homestead classification provides a property tax credit for property that is owned and occupied by the owner.
To qualify for the Manufactured Home homestead classification, you must: (All three must apply)
- Own and occupy the home on January 2 for a full year homestead or May 29 for a mid-year homestead of that year.
- Occupy the property as your primary residence.
- Be a Minnesota resident.
To apply for the residential homestead classification, you must:
- Complete a manufactured homestead application (PDF).
- Provide the Assessor’s office with a copy of your proof of ownership, such as a purchase agreement, or bill of sale and Certificate of Title.
Homestead abatements
Homestead abatements
- Contact Assessor's Office - Homestead Unit to discuss your homestead abatement options. See Contact Us options (above).
- The deadline to apply is July 1 of the payable tax year.
- See abatement policy guidelines for additional details.