Lake Owasso Residential Care
Lake Owasso services
Lake Owasso Residence (LOR) is a referral-only residential facility serving 64 people with developmental and intellectual disabilities such as down syndrome and autism. A referral to an Intermediate Care Facility for individuals with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD) in Minnesota is based on a screening process. The screening process determines if a person meets the eligibility criteria. A waiver case manager typically starts the referral process for the facility to review. Lake Owasso Residence is operated by Ramsey County, with the assistance of volunteers and community members, and offers special services and opportunities to adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Lake Owasso Residence is in Shoreview on approximately 8 acres with about 300 feet of shoreline on Lake Owasso. There are 10 buildings on campus including an administration building, maintenance building and eight houses. Eight residents live in each of the eight houses for a total of 64 residents.Residential counselors work in the houses 24-hours, but do not live on campus.
Lake Owasso Residence is licensed by the Department of Human Services and the Minnesota Department of Health. Our individualized treatment and training plans are designed to increase independent living skills while strengthening relationships and community involvement. We encourage and promote person-centered decision making for programs and health care. Our services focus on creating adaptive skills allowing our residents to be as independent as possible in their work and communities. Our structure is unique in that a behavioral analyst works directly with our residential counselors to design and implement habilitative programs which promote adaptive behavior skills. It is rewarding for all when residents apply skills they have learned to be successful in everyday activities such as dressing, laundry, money management to go shopping. In addition, the onsite nursing department includes medical services for the treatment and support of ongoing and chronic health issues for our residents to maintain optimal health and functional ability.
Our well-trained residential counselors provide the highest quality programs and services to residents. The average tenure of an Lake Owasso Residence employee is 10 years. The team is comprised of seasoned professionals who know and understand disability services, state statutes and trends in services. Many employees participate in extra events with residents, such as coaching Special Olympics teams, fishing on the lake and leading sports activities. Employees are empowered to learn new ways to support residents and receive opportunities for training and development to enhance skills that will ultimately benefit residents. By investing in our employees, residents of Lake Owasso Residence and our whole community benefit.
What is our residential care like?
There are eight residential houses located on beautiful Lake Owasso in Shoreview, Minnesota. In these safe, comfortable group residences, adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities live together. Each person has his or her own bedroom and enjoys the support and supervision of caring employees 24 hours a day. Employees in each home provide supervision and training based on each person’s individual needs and plan. Volunteers provide companionship and group activities for residents and contribute financially to events that residents would not typically be able to attend, such as Twins baseball games or summer camping trips.
Our mission is to be a leading residential community where individuals with development and intellectual disabilities thrive, and are empowered through respect, person-centered decision making, and collaboration to achieve their individualized goals of stabilization and independence. We envision a future where each individual’s potential is fully realized through honest communication, active treatment, and accountability, while delivering compassionate, high-quality services that uplift and transforms the lives of our residents and community.