Trusted Community Connectors 2022

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Trusted Community Connectors

In 2022, Ramsey County partnered with 12 trusted community agencies to connect residents with accurate, culturally appropriate information about the COVID-19 vaccine and opportunities to get vaccinated. This program has ended.

Trusted Community Connectors helped community members understand truthful information about COVID-19, answered questions and helped educate residents about the vaccines, including families with children ages 6 months and older. Connectors helped make vaccine appointments and gave recommendations for walk-up vaccination sites.

Community Connector Organizations

Community Connectors addressed questions and concerns about getting the vaccine. Partner organizations included:

  • Greater Eastside Community Council​
  • Restorations for All, Inc​
  • Run Like Harriet
  • Samo Relief
  • Somali Medical Association of America
  • African Network for Development, Inc
  • Grace Restoration International
  • Vietnamese Social Services of MN
  • MN Spokesman Recorder
  • Santamaria Broadcasting
  • 1 Day at a Time​​

The COVID-19 Trusted Community Connector and Messenger project ended December 21, 2022.