Cov Neeg Txuas Koj Mus Rau Cov Kev Pab Hauv Lub Zej Zos Uas Ntseeg Siab Tau (Trusted Community Connectors) pab cov tswv cuab hauv lub zej zos to taub txog tej ntaub ntawv uas muaj tseeb hais txog hom tshuaj txhaj tiv thaiv tus kab mob COVID 19.
Lawv tuaj yeem teb tau koj cov lus nug hais txog cov tshuaj txhaj rau cov me nyuam hnub nyoog 5 xyoos thiab tshaj saud. Cov Neeg Txuas Koj Mus Rau Cov Kev Pab (Connectors) yuav pab tau koj teem sij hawm mus txhaj tshuaj los yog nrhiav cov chaw txhaj tshuaj uas cia li mus xwb tsis tas teem sij hawm ua ntej.
Trusted Community Connectors pab tau.
Hu rau ib Tus Neeg Txuas Koj Mus Rau Cov Kev Pab (Connector) yog koj muaj lus nug los yog txhawj xeeb txog hom tshuaj txhaj los yog xav tau kev pab kom tau txhaj hom tshuaj no.Nws tsis muaj tus nqi rau koj them thaum tham nrog ib Tus Neeg Txuas Koj Mus Rau Cov Kev Pab Hauv Lub Zej Zos Uas Ntseeg Siab Tau (Trusted Community Connector) los yog kom tau txhaj hom tshuaj txhaj tiv thaiv tus kab mob COVID-19.
- Greater Eastside Community Council.
- Restorations for All, Inc.
- Run Like Harriet.
- Samo Relief.
- Somali Medical Association of America.
- African Network for Development, Inc.
- Grace Restoration International.
- Vietnamese Social Services of MN.
- MN Spokesman Recorder.
- Santamaria Broadcasting.
- 1 Day at a Time.
This partnership ended on December 21, 2022.
Learn more about the current Trusted Messenger Initiative grant program.