Equity Action Circle

Recognizing that racism is a public health crisis that disproportionally compounds harmful impacts on culturally and ethnically diverse communities, RECERT formed a Community Advisory Committee to ensure community was included in the decision-making surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic response in Spring 2020. The group began meeting in May 2020 and was known as the Equity Action Circle (EAC).

The Equity Action Circle co-developed strategies and solutions in partnership with countywide leadership and RECERT to incorporate community identified priority focus areas to meet the unmet needs of racial and ethnically diverse residents for the COVID-19 response, in order to prevent exacerbated racial disparities and improve county operations, service delivery and program administration. The Equity Action Circle advised the County Manager and RECERT on identified priority areas, policies, systems and environmental changes with a racial equity lens.

This committee is no longer active.

Learn about current public health community engagement that's happening in the Trusted Messenger Initiative.


Priority areas



Member selection process

Additional background