Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I get forms?

Forms are available on the Minnesota Department of Human Services website. If you do not find what you need, please contact your social worker at 651-266-3781.

What if someone new moves into my licensed home?

Ramsey County Family Child Care Licensing must be notified of any change in the regular membership of households that operate child care. You are strongly encouraged to notify your social worker of any anticipated changes in your household composition well in advance of the change. This will assure completion and clearance of all required paperwork.

Remember that anyone who may have direct contact with, including access to persons served by a licensed program when there is reasonable cause as defined in section 245C.02 subd.15 must have a cleared background study.

What do I need to do if I hire someone to work at my child care program?

Ramsey County Family Child Care Licensing must be notified immediately of the addition of an employee who will regularly be providing care. You are strongly encouraged to notify your social worker of any anticipated changes in your employees well in advance of the change. This will assure completion and clearance of all required paperwork.

Remember that anyone who works with children served by the licensed program must complete pediatric First Aid/CPR, SUID and AHT training before direct contact with children served by the program

Can I have pets? What kind?

Providers are allowed to have dogs, cats, fish, guinea pigs, gerbils, rabbits, hamsters, rats, mice and birds, if the birds are free of Chlamydia psittaci. Cats and dogs are required to have current rabies vaccinations. Ramsey County does not grant variances to allow any pets other than those listed above. Because of liability issues for providers, Ramsey County strongly encourages providers to keep pets and children separated at all times.

Can I take field trips with the children in my care?

Yes, you may take field trips away from the licensed program with written parent permission. Before transporting daycare children under the age of 8 in a vehicle during program operating hours, the license holder must comply with all seatbelt and child passenger restraint system requirements under section 169.685. The person placing the child in a passenger restraint must satisfactorily complete child passenger restraint system training.

In addition to written permission for the field trip itself, you must have written permission to transport children, have appropriate safety harnesses and car seats, and adequately supervise the children in accordance with state rules.

What can I be told about complaints made against me?

Complaint investigation data and reporter names are confidential information and therefore not available to either the public or providers. If a complaint is made against you, you may be advised of the nature of the complaint. Once the investigation is completed, you may also be advised of whether the complaint is substantiated. If a complaint results in a substantiated rule violation, this information is considered public information and is therefore available to anyone who calls to check your licensing record.

Can I see my parent evaluation forms?

Due to data privacy laws, we are not able to show providers actual evaluation forms. Your licensing social worker may share general information about parent feedback, but no identifying information will be used.

Is there a license fee?

License applicants are required to undergo a mandatory fee-based background study through the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Netstudy 2.0 background study portal. Applicants must also pay processing fees of $50 for a one-year license. These fees must be paid before a license is issued.