Food & Vending
Ramsey County inspects and licenses all establishments (except those in Saint Paul and Maplewood) that provide permanent and temporary food services.
Establishments that need a license (list is not all inclusive):
- Restaurant, bars, supper clubs.
- Assisted living facilities.
- Bed and breakfasts.
- Catering kitchens and commissaries.
- Grocery stores, convenience stores and delicatessens.
- Public and private school kitchens and daycares.
- Cafeterias, snack bars, vending machines.
License requirements
Ramsey County issues food licenses for the calendar year (Jan. 1 through Dec. 31).
- A food license is not transferable to another person or location. If you purchase a business, you must obtain your own license.
- A new food establishment must complete a plan review prior to beginning construction, and a final inspection is required before Ramsey County can issue a license. Near the end of construction, you must complete an application for a food license (PDF) for a food license.
- When an existing establishment remodels or adds new pieces of food equipment, a remodel plan review or equipment review is required.
Pay license fees
- Use a checking/savings account or credit/debit card.
- Use the statement number found on your fee statement.
- Create a separate transaction for each fee statement paid.
Pay by mail
Send a check (payable to Ramsey County) or money order to:
Environmental Health Division
P.O. Box 64045
Saint Paul, MN 55164
Report an illness or complaint
Contact the Minnesota Department of Health Foodborne Illness Hotline at 1-877-FOOD-ILL or 1-877-366-3455.
- Establishments in Saint Paul: 651-201-4500.
- Establishments in Maplewood: 651-249-2000.
- Establishments in all other Ramsey County municipalities: 651-266-1199.
Temporary food service establishments
Temporary food service establishments are any food operation not inside of, or on the immediate premises of, a permanently licensed food establishment.
Temporary food service establishments may operate up to 21 days in a calendar year.
All temporary food service establishments must obtain a license from the county before operating or late fees will be assessed.
Mobile food units and food carts
A mobile food unit/food cart must obtain a Ramsey County license if:
- Planning to operate in any Ramsey County city other than Maplewood and Saint Paul, and
- Is licensed by any agency other than the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). See below.
Application materials
MDA-licensed retail mobile food handlers
A license is NOT required from Ramsey County if an establishment has a retail mobile food handler license from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, if:
- The MDA license is valid and on display.
- The licensee operates from the MDA-licensed mobile food unit or food stand.
- The licensee prepares and/or serves food within the limitations of the MDA license.
Food safety
Food code
The standards with which food establishments must comply in the handling, storage, preparation and service of food to the retail food consumer.
Illness cleanup procedures
Minnesota food code now requires a plan for cleaning up vomit or diarrhea. Use the guidelines below.
Employee illness log
The person in charge (PIC) is required to record all reports of diarrhea or vomiting made by employees as well as report the illness upon request. Use this template to track employee illnesses.
Emergency handbook for food managers
This handbook provides information on natural, accidental and deliberate emergencies, a self-inspection checklist for food security, and tips to manage longer-term emergencies.
Food safety in emergencies
Resources to determine if food is safe and how to keep food safe in order to minimize waste and reduce the risk of food-borne illness.
Certified Food Protection Manager courses
Many establishments serving food must employ a Certified Food Protection Manager. Use the Minnesota Department of Health's database of food protection training and certification courses.
Contact Us
Environmental Health
651-266-1177 (Fax)
Contact form
Department information
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