Rafael E. Ortega, District 5, Board Chair
Serving residents of the following communities:
Saint Paul neighborhoods of Downtown, Highland Park, Macalester Groveland, West Seventh, the West Side and Dayton's Bluff.
Commissioner Rafael E. Ortega is a progressive champion for Ramsey County who is working to build a better transit system in Saint Paul, redevelop key properties to create jobs, housing and regional centers, and protect and improve the lives of our most vulnerable residents. He grew up poor in the tenements of New York City, got a master’s degree and served as a social worker and nonprofit leader for more than a decade before serving as a county commissioner. He is driven by a passion to make our community stronger and more vibrant.
Current priorities
Since 2020, in the face of the worst health and economic crisis in a century, he chaired the Ramsey County Food Security Committee; providing meals for children no longer attending school and isolated adults suffering from COVID-19, supporting culturally specific restaurants, and strengthening our food shelf network. Commissioner Ortega and the Food Security Team also provided a food resources map for residents.
Another monumental challenge of 2020 in Ramsey County was homelessness. Scarce housing, high costs and increased unemployment worsened an already urgent problem. Ramsey County leadership checked every homeless encampment every day and when winter hit, were able to move hundreds of people into shelters. Rafael worked with county leaders and community partners to open two large homeless shelters in his district, the former Bethesda Hospital near the State Capitol, and the Provincial House near the campus of St. Catherine University.
Commissioner Ortega’s history
Rafael never forgets his youth in the tenements of New York City and that shapes his understanding of people’s fundamental needs and dreams to live good lives. This understanding and ability to listen to the issues of people struggling in the poorest neighborhoods in Saint Paul gives him valuable insight. Rafael was a front-line social worker before becoming an outreach director for Minnesota Council of Churches. As founder and later CEO of CLUES, (Communidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio), he grew this Twin Cities social service agency from a $100,000 organization to one with a $3 million budget serving more than 15,000 clients that is thriving today. Rafael is still a licensed independent clinical social worker.
Rafael became the first member of a minority group to be elected to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the first Latino elected to a county board in Minnesota in 1994. He has served in almost every leadership position at the board.
Transit highlights
Commissioner Ortega is recognized as a leader on transit in our metro area throughout his time on the county board, particularly in his role as Chair of the Regional Rail Authority which led the major investment in light rail and the Union Depot hub. He has spoken on MPR and contributed to the Star Tribune, Pioneer Press and community papers about transit and economic development.
Rafael served as a co-chair on both the Green and Blue Line committees and is currently working to build the Riverview Corridor streetcar connecting the Union Depot to the airport and the Mall of America, the Gold Line to Woodbury, the Purple Line to White Bear Lake and get a second passenger train from Chicago.
Redevelopment highlights
County Commissioner Ortega received the Progress Minnesota Lifetime Achievement Award from the Finance and Commerce newspaper for his work on job creation, business development, and the overall economic health of the Twin Cities and the entire state.
Rafael is the champion of the Riversedge development project on the Mississippi between the Wabasha bridge and the Science Museum. This is an exciting opportunity on the nearly five-acre site which will provide needed housing and office space and increase affordable housing in the region.
He is also working to redevelop the 427-acre Rice Creek Commons (formerly the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant) in Arden Hills to build more housing and job centers and get it back on the tax rolls for the first time in a generation, spreading taxes more equitably across the county and proportionately decreasing the tax burden on other residential and commercial properties.
Rafael has lived in Ramsey County District 5 (on the West Side and downtown) for more than 40 years. Commissioner Ortega is the proud parent of two children: Gabriela, a graduate of the University of Saint Thomas who is currently teaching in Minnesota; and Emilio, a graduate of Central High School who attended Saint Paul College and is currently working at Apple. In 2020, Rafael was elated by the birth of his first granddaughter, Giselle.
Commissioner Ortega's team
Commissioner Aide
Ken Iosso, Aide to the Commissioner, has lived in the Mac Groveland area for more than 30 years, since he came to Minnesota to attend Macalester College. Mr. Iosso is a past President of St. Paul Smart Trips (MOVE Minnesota) and has served as a deacon or elder at the Macalester-Plymouth Church for more than a decade. He just completed six years as a member of the Macalester College Alumni Board. He has been a VISTA for the Saint Paul Literacy Project, worked at American Express Financial Advisors, and has been a leader in the DFL for more than 20 years. His wife is a lawyer at Faegre Drinker and his son is a student at Central High School. Ken is also a Minister of the Universal Life Church and has presided over four marriages of dear friends (all still together).
Administrative Secretary
Nancy Larson, Administrative Secretary, has served the county with distinction for almost 20 years. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and worked at Northwest/Delta Airlines for 13 years before coming to Ramsey County. She is a proud mother of three and is the grandmother of a girl who is the apple of her eye.
Commissioner Ortega personally led Ramsey County to:
- Purchase and renovate the Union Depot in 2012, making it a state-of-the-art multi-modal transit hub for Minnesota and employing 2,500 union workers to build it.
- Rebuild the Ford Parkway bridge while keeping it open to help businesses on both sides of the bridge.
- Create "402 University," an award-winning, first-of-its-kind facility that delivers mental health and chemical dependency services under one roof.
- Create the Immigrant Legal Defense Fund in 2018.
- Renovate the Roseville Library, Minnesota’s busiest, to LEED Gold Standard, reducing operating costs and preserving limited resources.
Also, under his leadership, Ramsey County:
- Has maintained the highest possible bond ratings from both Moody’s (Aaa) and Standard & Poor’s (AAA) since 2001.
- Funded the building of 4,000 units of housing, including parts of the Gateway in Highland Park, the Upper Landing on Shepard, the American House downtown, Passages on West 7th and Homes for Learning in Dayton’s Bluff.
- Did critical site cleanup for Sholom Home East on West 7th in Highland Park, paving the way for what the Star Tribune calls the “future of nursing homes.”
- Created Active Living Ramsey Communities, which ensures bike and pedestrian access is included in road and development projects, for transportation connections, and to make it safe and easy for our residents to be physically active.
Committees and commissions
Ramsey County standing committees
- Audit Committee
- Budget Committee
- Economic Growth and Community Investment Service Team Committee
- Health and Wellness Service Team Committee
- Housing and Redevelopment Authority (Vice Chair)
- Information and Public Records Service Team Committee
- Legislative Committee
- Regional Rail Authority (Chair)
- Safety and Justice Service Team Committee
- Strategic Team Committee
Other boards, committees and commissions
- Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC)
- District X Committee
- Transportation & Infrastructure Policy Committee
- Great River Rail Commission
- Greater MSP Regional Partnership (alternate)
- Itasca Project
- Minnesota Landmarks Board
- National Association of Counties (NACo)
- Large Urban County Caucus (LUCC)
- Large Urban County Caucus (LUCC) Steering Committee
- Transportation Steering Committee
- Ramsey / Washington Recycling & Energy Board
- Red Rock Corridor
- Regions Hospital Board
- Riverview Corridor
- Robert Street Corridor
- Saint Paul Downtown Alliance
Contact Us
District 5 Office
Commissioner Assistant
Administrative Secretary
Ramsey County Board Office
Room 220 Courthouse
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102