All-Abilities 2050 Transportation Plan

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Ramsey County is leading an effort to develop a long-range plan that will guide transportation projects that are accessible to people of all ages and abilities.

The goal of this process is to identify transportation needs throughout the county and work collaboratively to plan to address those needs.

Subscribe to All-Abilities 2050 Transportation Plan updates

Story Maps

The All-Abilities 2050 Plan story maps show existing conditions of the transportation system in Ramsey County and greater Twin Cities area. View the interactive maps.


  • Fall 2022 - winter 2023: Phase one engagement. The project team will seek to understand the current transportation experience in Ramsey County.
  • Winter - summer 2023: Phase two engagement and draft improvements.
  • Summer - fall 2023: Phase three engagement and solution refinements.

Community engagement

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Share your feedback by August 31.

Submit your comments on the All-Abilities 2050 Transportation Plan:

Take the Phase one survey and explore the interactive wikimap.


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All-Abilities 2050 Transportation Plan - Quarterly Update

Join our discussion and presentation on the Ramsey County Public Works project. Comprehensive updates on the multimodal components and the recommended improvements for the multimodal system.

Monday, June 17, 2024
2:30-4:30 P.M.
Register to join our Zoom. 


Public engagement will happen throughout the plan process. Engagement will be broken into three phases, with each phase providing online and interactive ways to give feedback.