Countywide Pedestrian & Bicycle Plan

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In 2014-2015, Active Living Ramsey Communities led a planning effort to identify a countywide approach for increasing activity through biking and walking.

This is not a typical plan focused on specific projects for an individual jurisdiction, but rather a set of tools, analysis and actions to engage community members at all levels in supporting a place where people of all ages and abilities can safely and comfortably walk and bicycle.

This plan is a resource and a framework for development of a connected Ramsey County where walking and biking are regular everyday parts of people's lives. 

View and explore individual sections of the plan and resources.

Full plan by section

These documents are PDFs.

Plan primers

A basic understanding of the development issues that walking and bicycle facilities face is vital to ensuring that all community members have a safe and comfortable place to walk and bike. These primer documents may be used to provide more information on a specific topic along with links to additional resources. These documents are PDFs.

Pedestrian and bicycle maps

Active Living Ramsey Communities maintains a database of existing and planned pedestrian and bicycle facilities in Ramsey County to foster coordination and collaboration between Ramsey County and its partners. We updated these maps in 2024 using construction and plan data from 2023.


View links to local municipal plans, corridor plans, health impact assessments, transit plans, county, regional and state plans.