Hel Tallaalkaaga COVID-19 ee bilaashka ah.
- Qof kasta oo jira 6 bilood iyo kuwa ka weyn ayaa hadda loo ogol yahay tallaalka COVID-19.
- Hubso in ay qoyskaagu la socodaan tallaalada COVID-19 iyo kuwa xoojinta ah. Xarumaha Xakamaynta Cudurrada (CDC) ayaa u oggolaatay tallaalka xoojinta dadka oo da'doodu tahay 6 bilood iyo ka weyn.
Kaarka TallaalkaKaarka Tallaalka
Haddii aad u baahato inaad beddesho kaarkaaga tallaalka ama aad tusto caddayn ah qaadashada tallaalka COVID-19, you can access your records through the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC). MIIC uses the Docket app to list all your vaccines in one place, even if the vaccines were given by different health care providers in Minnesota. Use the Docket app to view immunization records, including COVID-19 vaccines.
If you don't or can't use the app, you can still access your record from your health care provider or through the Minnesota Department of Health.