Wellness Professional Service Solicitation

Contact us

Ramsey County seeks mental health and wellness services for our staff in the Appropriate Response Initiative (ARI) and the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office (RCSO). These staff routinely help our community members in emergency situations and tragic events. In turn, we want to help the helpers, removing barriers to mental health care, supporting their well-being and the difficult work they do.

You can submit a proposal to provide services to ARI staff, RCSO staff or both.


  • Mental health professionals who diagnose, treat and offer care with varied techniques to meet individual needs. 
  • Community healers who address the holistic mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of individuals through connections with others.
  • People who understand the unique culture and stressors of emergency responders.

How to apply

The application period has ended.

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Milestone Date
Solicitation posted on DemandStar. Feb. 14

Information session to discuss the work to be performed, answer questions and clarify ambiguities .

Zoom Link

Contact Steven Kensinger before the event to request an interpreter or specific accommodations.

Feb. 22
3 p.m.

Email questions due.
(send to Steven Kensinger)

Feb. 29

2 p.m.

Answers posted on DemandStar. March 6 (estimated)

Applications due.
(send to Steven Kensinger)

March 14
2 p.m.

Anticipated interviews over Zoom. Week of April 1
Announce decision.* Week of April 15

Anticipated start of contract (contingent on negotiation of scope of work and contractor budget).

May 1


*Following proposal evaluations and contractor interviews, the selected contractor will receive a Notice of Intent to Award letter. This is not a guarantee of a contract. The final award will be determined following contract negotiations.


Launched in 2022, the Appropriate Response Initiative (ARI) enhances 911 responses in Ramsey County by focusing on resident and community well-being. The initiative builds safer communities, prevents violence and reduces disparities by investing in a wider range of response options for people in need. Expanded options include additional social services crisis response, public health response and community responders.

The Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office (RCSO) provides wide-ranging law enforcement and public safety services to an urban community of more than 550,000 residents in a metropolitan area of 3.2 million people. RCSO employs more than 450 people with an additional 200 volunteers. Between 225-250 sworn officers respond to calls for service 24 hours a day.