Visitor Conduct at Ramsey County Properties
Ramsey County is committed to providing a positive experience to everyone visiting and working at our properties. Visitors and staff should expect to find spaces that are welcoming, accessible, inclusive, respectful, clean, safe, healthy and comfortable. This includes an environment free from verbal abuse, harassment, bullying, intimidation, or any language or behavior showing hate, bias, or discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, disability, or other identity or group characteristic.
General rules
- Conduct that disrupts or interferes with county business or obstructs the free passage of others is not allowed.
- Physical behavior that could harm others, such as running, pushing or fighting, is not allowed. Running in recreational facilities within areas designed for running is allowed.
- Strollers or vehicles required for mobility are allowed. Other wheeled devices are not allowed.
- Dangerous weapons are not allowed. This ban does not apply to law-abiding persons holding valid pistol permits issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec. 624.714.
- Possessing, consuming, or using alcoholic beverages or illegal substances is not allowed, except where beer and wine are authorized by permit.
- No smoking or vaping. See the Ramsey County Smoking and Commercial Tobacco Use Ordinance for more information.
- Conducting unauthorized commercial activity, distribution of flyers, soliciting, panhandling and gambling are not allowed.
- No trespassing in an area with secured or restricted access or an area that is closed to public access.
- Using the restrooms for purposes other than their intended use is not allowed.
- Do not leave personal property, items, or possessions unattended.
- No littering.
- No camping or sleeping unless otherwise expressly permitted.
- Do not deface, damage, destroy, or remove public property.
- Footwear is required indoors, unless otherwise expressly permitted. Footwear is not required in restrooms and changing areas at beaches and pools in Ramsey County Parks.
- Service animals as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act or Minnesota Statutes Sec. 256C.02, certified facility animals and animals employed in the official performance of police or rescue activities are allowed. Other animals are not allowed.
- Children under the age of 8 must be supervised by a responsible adult or a responsible older adolescent. Staff have the right to ask that children of any age or vulnerable adults be directly supervised.
- Any activity that would constitute a violation of federal, state or local law or regulation is not allowed.
Photography, video recording, sound recording
Many visitors come to Ramsey County buildings to attend legal proceedings or obtain essential services. These services may involve sensitive personal matters and may require the provision of health, financial, or other private or confidential data that is protected by law.
Photography and video and sound recording are only allowed in certain public spaces such as a main entrance, lobby, or corridor, provided that such photography or recording does not interfere in any way with county operations or other visitors.
In any photography or video recording, no document containing others’ personal information should be recognizable or legible.
No photography, video recording, and/or sound recording may be made in areas not generally accessible by the public or where there is a concerted effort to provide privacy.
- Photography and video and sound recording are permitted in County Public Hearing and Deliberation Rooms when public, open meetings are occurring, specifically:
- Council Chambers at Saint Paul City Hall - Ramsey County Courthouse.
- Ramsey County Board’s Large Conference Room - Courthouse Suite 220.
- The Second Judicial District has its own policy on photography and recording that applies to specific areas of Ramsey County Courthouse Complexes: Second Judicial District’s Amended Order Regarding the Use of Electronic And Recording Devices in Court Facilities (PDF).
- In Ramsey County buildings where library and recreation services are provided, noncommercial photography and video and sound recording are permitted in public areas (excluding restrooms and locker rooms), provided that such photography or recording does not interfere in any way with county operations or other visitors. In order to protect data privacy, in any photography or recording of individuals, no library materials nor any document containing personal information should be recognizable or legible.
Community meetings
To create a respectful and attentive environment, Ramsey County organizers of any community meeting, whether held in a Ramsey County or non-Ramsey County building, may require participants to observe meeting-specific norms of behavior.
The norms of behavior for community meetings may include the following restrictions, as appropriate:
- A prohibition on the use of electronic and recording devices, cellphone usage, or recording of any kind.
- A prohibition on large bags; a prohibition on disruptive behavior or interruptions, banners and/or signs.