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Community Indicators
Community indicators are measurements that provide information about past and current trends impacting the quality of life in Ramsey County. These measures assist planners and community leaders in making decisions that affect future outcomes and show community progress toward achieving the county’s vision, mission and goals.
Current indicators include items like median household income, low-income households experiencing severe rent burden, low-weight births, rates of juvenile justice arrests, and share of residents with debt in collections. Most indicators are broken down by race and ethnicity to highlight disparities and help the county focus its efforts on improving outcomes for all.
Indicators help set the long-term direction for the county’s strategic planning and budget. These measures have been chosen with extensive community engagement in collaboration with seven community partners and the Urban Institute as part of the Upward Mobility Project. No single indicator can capture all progress toward a goal, but together these measures provide metrics on the overall health of our community in the areas of well-being, prosperity, opportunity and accountability.