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Station Area Planning
Station area planning is a collaborative process that identifies ways to promote safe and direct station access, as well as transit-oriented development (TOD) within a walking distance (1/2 mile, generally) of future transit stations. TOD creates compact, mixed-use communities near transit where people can enjoy easy access to jobs and services.
Ramsey County, in partnership with the City of Saint Paul, is leading station area planning for the Riverview Corridor Modern Streetcar Project between 2021 and 2024 as part of the Engineering and Pre-Environmental Phase of work.
The Policy Advisory Committee has formed a Station Area Planning Task Force to guide the creation of station area plans for each of the new Riverview Corridor stations in Saint Paul. Consisting of members from the Saint Paul community, the Task Force meets approximately monthly to provide input and help inform station area plans. Community engagement and existing city, county and regional policies also inform the station area plans. The goal is to provide a vision for each station to thrive as a result of the transit investment, develop supporting policies and identify specific implementation steps for each plan.
St. Clair, Randolph and Otto Station Area Planning Survey Results
During November and December 2021, more than 300 people participated in the online Riverview Corridor station area planning survey focused on identifying ways to promote safe and direct station access and transit-oriented development opportunities within 1/2 mile walking distance of the three future stations at St. Clair, Randolph and Otto avenues. Take a moment to read over the survey results.
Grand and Kellogg Station Area Planning Survey Results
From June 1 through August 2, 2022, 285 responses were collected through the online Riverview Corridor station area planning survey focused on the neighborhoods surrounding two planned transit stations near Grand Avenue and Kellogg Boulevard. You can review the survey results here.
Davern, St. Paul Ave., Homer and Montreal Station Area Planning Survey Results
From September 15 through December 16, 2022, 281 people participated in the online Riverview Corridor station area planning survey focused on four planned transit stations near Davern Street, St. Paul Avenue, Homer Street and Montreal Avenue. Take a moment to review the survey results.