735 Margaret Street

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Margaret Street House

735 Margaret St. in Saint Paul is owned by Ramsey County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and is being sold as part of the FirstHome Program. As part of this program, the home comes with $85,400 in FirstHome Down Payment Assistance. The purchaser of this property must meet the following FirstHome eligibility criteria.

  • Household size of 4 or more members
  • All adults in the household must meet First-generation eligibility; buyer(s) or their parent(s) cannot have owned a home in their lifetime.
  • Household total annual income must be at or below 100% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
  • Buyers must contribute 1% of the purchase price to the transaction. Gifted funds are allowed.
  • Buyers must have successfully completed an approved Homebuyer Education and Homeowner Advising course within the last 18 months.
  • Buyer must meet all other FirstHome eligibility criteria factors.
Scroll table right to see more
2024 Area Median Income Guidelines - Minnesota - St. Paul - Bloomington, MN
Household Size
AMI% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
100% $86,950 $99,400 $111,800 $124,200 $134,150 $144,100 $154,050 $163,950