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Homeschool Programs
Tamarack Nature Center offers classes for homeschool students. Classes are typically two hours and develop concepts and skills in science, social studies, art and recreation. Most classes include activities to accommodate mixed-age groups. However, tracks for preschool, elementary and middle school students are available.
Select Thursdays and Fridays, Sept. 2023 - May 2024
1–3 p.m.
Ages 5-10
$5.75 per child. Pre-registration required.
Sept. 14 & 15 - Bee Wonderful
Learn the difference between bees, wasps and mimicking flies. We’ll visit a beehive, learn about their social lives and then taste-test their honey.
Oct. 12 & 13 - Apple-luscious
Visit the mini apple orchard and the Garden House to make fresh pressed apple cider. Help clean up the garden, bring in the harvest and take home garden fresh produce.
Nov. 16 & 17 - Nature's Weavers
Explore different kinds of spiders that live in Minnesota and the types of webs they weave. Learn about the superpowers that spiders have.
Jan. 11 & 12 - The Physics of Nordic Ski
Learn the basic physics and vocabulary to gain an understating of the science behind skiing. Then learn to cross-country ski! $7/person optional ski rental.
Feb. 8 & 9 - Fox Tails & Fox Trails
Learn about the life of a fox. We’ll play a predator and prey game. Then learn how to recognize tracks and scat to become a tracker like a fox.
March 14 & 15 - Maple Brings in the Spring
Watch spring unfold. Participate in tapping trees, collecting sap, viewing the evaporator and tasting the finished product.
April 11 & 12 - Turtle-rific
Take a hike to see if the ice is off the lake and turtles have come out of hibernation. Meet the turtle ambassadors that live at the nature center and make turtle art for home.
May 9 & 10 - Seeds, Soil & Planting
Learn about botany and gardening techniques. Dissect a seed to find out how it works and why compost makes good soil.