Public Health in Public Places

Public Health in Public Places (PHiPP) puts public health nurses and community health workers into community centers and libraries where communities face multiple health barriers. Public health staff will work with individuals and communities to educate and support people in understanding health needs and finding health care.


PHiPP staff are currently working with community members to plan for services that meet the needs of their community. Services will vary by location. The following are types of services that can be available.

  • Testing.
  • Referrals and follow-ups.
  • Health education for individuals or groups.
  • Health counseling.
  • Community building.


The following locations will be hosting PHiPP. We look forward to working together and will post days and times soon.

  • Maplewood Library 
  • Frogtown Community Center
  • Rice Street Library

How PHiPP staff can help you

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