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After a Sexual Assault
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It wasn’t your fault. We believe you.
Important information for victims/survivors of sexual assault.
Safety first
- If you have been assaulted, the most important thing is that you find somewhere you feel safe.
- If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, call 911 right away.
Medical attention
- Your health is important. Consider seeking an evidentiary exam at the hospital.
- Every hospital in Ramsey County has a nurse who is trained to provide evidentiary exams. SOS partners with Regions, St. Joseph's, St. John's and United hospitals to provide care in the emergency room.
- If you have an exam, this does NOT mean you must report the assault to the police.
- The cost of the exam and any preventative medications you may need will be provided at no charge to you.
Preserving evidence
- You may not know right away whether or not you want to report to the police. In case you decide to later, the evidence available immediately after the assault is crucial. This evidence can be preserved in case you decide to press charges at a later date.
- It is best to follow these recommendations:
- Do not shower or bathe, wash your hands, or brush your teeth.
- Collect any clothes you were wearing during the assault in a PAPER bag.
- Do not delete any contact information, texts, videos or social media communications with the suspect.
Reporting to police
- Deciding to make a police report is individual and has a lot of factors to considered while selecting what is best for you.
- Remember, you know yourself best and what is best for you.
- Talk with a supportive person and/or an advocate to learn more about the process.
- If you do decide to report, here are things to consider:
- You have a right to have an advocate present during your initial report and throughout the investigative process.
- You have a right to speak with your investigator regarding your case and ask any questions that you may have.
- The investigator will reach out to anyone who they feel may be helpful in building a case which may be friends or family that you shared information with. This will likely include the person who assaulted you.
- The investigation process is used to capture evidence and testimony for the case to be submitted to the Ramsey County Attorney's Office for a charging decision.
- Charging decisions are based on considering the likelihood of a conviction in the criminal justice process.
- Charging decisions do not mean that that you did or did not get assaulted.
SOS and the Saint Paul Police Department have partnered to offer On My Terms, a reporting program offering more options to victims/survivors of sexual violence. You now can report directly with an advocate who will deliver the report on your behalf. Learn more about On My Terms
Talk to someone
- A friend you trust.
- Family who will support you.
- SOS Sexual Violence Services, our crisis line is staffed 24/7: 651-266-1000.