Foster Care

Ramsey County prioritizes keeping children safe with their families to avoid the trauma that often occurs when children are placed in out-of-home care. Our staff works to ensure children remain in their homes whenever possible by providing families with the resources they need to remain a healthy family unit.
When children are not able to stay safely in their homes, foster care staff place children in homes with extended family or kin whenever possible. More than 70% of new foster care applicants are relatives or kin.
Foster Care continues to license traditional, non-family/kin foster homes. We are looking for applicants who are:
- Open to caring for older children, 8-17 years old.
- Able to take sibling groups or children with medical needs of all ages.
- Able to meet the needs of youth in terms of their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, language spoken etc.
- Knowledgeable about trauma-informed care or willing to learn about the effect of trauma on children.
- LGBTQ2S+ friendly.
New applicants for traditional foster homes who are seeking placement of children under the age of 8 will be prioritized for licensing at a later time.
How you can help
Become a licensed foster family to provide temporary homes and care for children while their families complete the reunification process.
Become a specialty respite foster home to provide short-term foster homes for local youth with high support needs including autism, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or other disabilities. Learn more. (PDF)
Become a foster-adoptive resource home by committing to care for a child, support reunification with their birth family and provide a legal, permanent home if the child cannot return to their parent(s).
What it takes to be a foster parent
Foster parents come from backgrounds as diverse as the children they care for. They are patient, loving and are strong supporters of kids. They can provide love for foster kids and can support them in returning home when the time is right.
Foster parents are:
- 21 years or older.
- Single, married or partnered.
- Caring people who can provide support and love for a child.
- Living in stable housing in Ramsey County.
- Flexible with home or work schedules.
- Able to pass a background check.
- Two years sober if they’ve been treated for chemical dependency.
Support foster parents receive
Support for foster parents includes:
- A state-standardized monthly rate for the child’s needs.
- Medical and dental costs covered through Medical Assistance or other medical insurance.
- Ongoing training opportunities.
Foster parents who speak Spanish as their primary language may contact 651-266-4785 for additional resources.
Become a foster parent
Ready to be a foster parent? Attend an orientation meeting.
At the orientation, you’ll learn basic information about foster care and have the opportunity to ask specific questions to determine if foster care is right for you. You will also get information on the application process for you to become a licensed foster care provider. If you are in a two-parent household, both parents must attend.
Register for an upcoming orientation meeting.
Already attended an orientation meeting? Fill out an application.
Ramsey County uses an online application program called BINTI that will ask you to enter an email address, create a password and complete a short questionnaire. After that, Ramsey County Foster Care licensing staff will contact you to set up a time to meet.
Questions? Contact us at 651-266-5437
Apply now to become a licensed foster care parent

Foster Care is proud to be recognized by the Human Rights Campaign as a leader in supporting and serving LGBTQ2S+ youth and families.