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Mental Health & Crisis
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Children's Mental Health
Ramsey County’s children’s mental health services help support and improve children's emotional well-being and development, their relationships with family and friends, and their ability to get along with others and function effectively at home, in school and in the community.
The mental health issues that children might experience include the following:
- Having difficult relationships with peers or adults.
- Controlling anger or aggression.
- Managing worries or other troubling thoughts or feelings.
- Being able to pay attention or focus.
- Feeling sad or worthless.
- Engaging in risky or self-injurious behavior.
- Coping with significant losses, traumas or other major life events and changes.
Ramsey County coordinates an extensive network of assessment, treatment and supportive services for children and teens with mental health needs. These services include:
24/7 crisis services
Contact our mobile crisis team by calling 651-266-7878.
Ramsey County’s mobile crisis team provides stabilization services, de-escalation, crisis intervention, mental health assessments and initial crisis plans.
Crisis services are available to all children in homes, schools or institutions in Ramsey County, regardless of the family’s ability to pay or type of insurance. There is a fee for all services provided. Services are billed to insurance providers when available. A variety of payment options are available including an income-based sliding fee scale.
Walk-in crisis services are available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturdays & Sundays 10 a.m-5 p.m. at the Mental Health Urgent Care.
Contact our case management team by calling 651-266-4486.
The case management phone line provides help for Ramsey County parent/guardians, community members, mental health workers and other professionals with:
- General, non-crisis questions about children's mental health.
- Questions about CMH case management services.
- Accessing CMH case management services.
- Making a referral.
- Checking the status of a referral.
Case management
Case management services can be provided to children who have serious mental health needs.
Project Assist
Project Assist provides screening, assessment, intervention and arrangement of ongoing services for youth who have been identified with a mental health concern.
All Children Excel
All Children Excel (ACE) is a program for youth under the age of 10 who would have been charged in a juvenile court if they were older. Children are referred to the program by Saint Paul and suburban police departments.
Partnership for Youth & Family Wellbeing
The Partnership for Youth & Family Wellbeing is for African American students who are experiencing academic crises. An academic crisis can include things like skipping school, failing classes, frequent detentions, receiving suspensions, frequent visits to the office or a time-out area, receiving academic and other school services in the home or an alternative setting, transitioning back to school from residential treatment, etc.
Adult Mental Health
We provide connections to services and resources that will put you on a path to healing. Contact us for help in crisis, to get an assessment, or to access ongoing mental health or chemical health services.
24/7 crisis services
If you or someone you know is in a mental health crisis, call the 24/7/365 crisis line at 651-266-7900.
Walk-in crisis services are available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturdays & Sundays 10 a.m-5 p.m. at the Mental Health Urgent Care.
For Crisis & Stabilization services, we will bill your insurance to cover the cost. If the service is not fully covered by your insurance, or you are uninsured, you will not have to pay any remaining cost.
Mental Health Center
Ramsey County’s Mental Health Center is located at 1919 University Ave. W., Suite 200, Saint Paul and offers short-term and on-going mental health services. The Mental Health Center is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., and closed weekends and county holidays.
Welcome Center
The Mental Health Center’s Welcome Center offers walk-in, short-term and referral services for individuals affected by mental illness or substance abuse issues. Staff provide intake services to help people access mental health and chemical addiction services provided by the county and other community organizations.
To make an appointment at the Welcome Center, call: 651-266-7890 (Walk-ins are welcome.)
Ramsey County also provides the following on-going services at the Mental Health Center:
- Individual and group therapy.
- Psychiatry.
- Dual chemical and mental health programs. (CORe)
- Mothers First: Chemical health support for pregnant women and mothers.
- Outpatient services.
- Partial hospitalization (short-term intensive help for people who may otherwise be hospitalized).
- Supported employment to help people get meaningful jobs.
- Adult mental health case management referral - download a statement of need form (PDF) and fax it to 651-266-7989 or call 651-266-7890).
Service fees at the Mental Health Center are charged on a sliding scale based on family size and income.
Chemical Health
Assessment and Direct Access
Rule 25 process ended June 30, 2022. Ramsey County Chemical Health Services no longer provides chemical health assessments and only determines eligibility for substance use disorder funding assistance.
If you do not have medical insurance, Ramsey County may be able to assist with covering the cost of substance use disorder services through the Behavioral Health Fund (BHF). Learn more about eligibility guidelines.
BHF applications can be emailed or sent by fax to 651-266-4435.
Individuals needing a Comprehensive Assessment can utilize Direct Access. Direct Access allows an individual to go directly to a provider they choose to receive a comprehensive assessment and access care immediately. Find a provider through the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Fast Tracker.
If you would like more information about the Behavioral Health Fund or Direct Access, please visit DHS Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Services website.
Detoxification and Withdrawal Management
County Detox is accepting clients again and is now offering new medicated withdrawal management services. The county had temporarily paused operations at it made preparations to offer this new service.
The Detoxification/Withdrawal Management Program provides substance withdrawal management services to people in need of detoxification. We also provide assessments, interventions and referrals to aftercare services.
Detoxification/Withdrawal Management services address the unique medical and cultural needs of each patient, including translation services and dietary needs. We encourage all patients to remain in care for as long as necessary, and enter recommended programs for ongoing recovery.
Services will not be denied if a resident is unable to pay.
The Detox Center is located in the 402 University Avenue East building. Staff can be reached at 651-266-4009.
Justice-impacted Individuals
Find resources and information for help with an arrest, citation, drug/alcohol use or mental health concerns for adults and juveniles.