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Parenting Support Groups
Club Mom
Club Mom is a community health gathering for African-American women, ages 19 and up who are pregnant and/or parenting children, 0-5 years. The group is led by Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health staff. As a member of the group, you will have the opportunity to connect with one another, enjoy dinner, and participate in helpful guest speaker presentations. Childcare is provided during the presentation hour so that you can focus on learning information such as: stress management, child-safety practices, and resources such as health insurance and healthy child development.
- Club Mom rack card (PDF)
- More information and to get the meeting link: 612-772-2588 or 612-368-4453
Club Dad
Club Dad is a monthly gathering including dinner and educational sessions for African-American men who are fathers. Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health hosts the meetings which includes engaging conversations to assist fathers with life transformation. Examples of possible discussion topics include: building positive parenting relationships, tools for stress management, strategies to overcome barriers such as education and employment and financial literacy. Club Dad is designed to support men in becoming better fathers and partners.
- Club Dad rack card (PDF)
- More information and to get the meeting link: 612-500-7415