Annual Point-in-Time Count

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The annual Point-In-Time count is required by the national Department of Housing and Urban Development for every community in the country and serves as a static count of the number of people experiencing homelessness. It is the principle means for gauging the need for homeless assistance resources both nationally and here in Ramsey County community. The results of the PIT Count directly impact the amount of funding dedicated to serving people experiencing homelessness in Ramsey County.

To anonymously collect general demographic and health information, we conduct a brief (5-10 minute) survey/interview with each person who reports experiencing homelessness the night of the annual PIT count through homeless outreach teams.

Ramsey County, in partnership with Heading Home Ramsey, recruits volunteers to assist with the unsheltered homeless count. Volunteers are recruited every year during the months of December and January. All volunteers must attend a training before administering surveys.

Annual reports

The annual count measures the total number of people experiencing homelessness through emergency shelters, transitional housing, or unsheltered homelessness on a single night.

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2022- 2024 Point-In-Time count

  2022 2023 2024
Adult and child households Sheltered  Unsheltered Totals Sheltered  Unsheltered Totals Sheltered Unsheltered Totals
442 13 455 566 15 581 553 16 569
Adult only households  953 287 1,240 723 353 1,076 667 393 1,060
Child only households 18 0 18 23 0 23 14 1 15
Totals 1,413 300 1,713 1,312 368 1,680 1,234 410


For more information about the PIT Count across Minnesota, see the MN HMIS website.

For more information regarding the PIT Count or to volunteer in future counts, email [email protected].