Enhancing Environmental Health Services

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Ramsey County has begun a multi-year initiative to advance services in the areas of:

  • Household hazardous waste (HHW).
  • Electronic waste.
  • Recycling.
  • Food scraps (organics).
  • Fix-It Clinics.

Following community feedback, a new system is being developed to improve accessibility and participation in recycling and waste disposal services for all residents. This includes new and redesigned services and a county-owned Environmental Center

You can subscribe to get emails with the latest news about this initiative, or check back here for updates on how the county is making it easier to recycle, repair and reuse resources. 

Overview of Enhancing Environmental Health Services

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Environmental Center

The new center is a home base for recycling drop-off services, educational opportunities, and reuse and repair resources. This county-owned facility offers:

  • Year-round recycling, electronics and household hazardous waste drop-off.
  • A free product reuse room.
  • Space for Fix-It Clinics and other environmental education and activities.

Learn more about the Environmental Center

Ramsey County asked residents how to improve household hazardous waste (HHW) services. After analyzing feedback, the county plans to restructure the HHW program to better serve residents.

Plans include:

  • A year-round recycling, HHW and electronics drop-off site and an expanded product reuse area at the new Environmental Center.
  • An additional permanent HHW site and a pickup program.
  • More improvements as the county pilots projects and works with the community to redesign HHW collection and other services.

Learn more about our current HHW system and what community members told us they want in the future.

The Environmental Center includes electronics (e-waste) drop-off. The county partners with Repowered (formerly Tech Dump) to offer free electronics recycling for Ramsey County residents only.

E-waste from businesses and out-of-county residents is not covered through this partnership, but is accepted by Repowered for a fee.

Learn more about free e-waste recycling

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