Early Childhood Resources

Ramsey County aims to support all families. Families and children thrive when they have trusted relationships and access to quality, consistent early care and education services.
Navigating these services can be challenging. Ramsey County’s Early Childhood Care and Education Coordinator can assist in navigating these resources and connect families to programs and services found here.
Find family assistance and services
Early Childhood Care and Education Programs, Support Services, and Resources
Find and share links to many of the most relevant programs, benefits, and resources related to early childhood care and education.
Family Coaching Services
Family coaching services are available for Ramsey County’s African American/Black and American Indian families. Family coaches are partners who offer strength, motivation, and holistic support for a minimum of six months to help families thrive.
Help Me Connect
Help Me Connect provides information to help you find education and health care services for children 0-8 years old in your own community.
Bridge to Benefits
Bridge to Benefits is a screening tool that can help you find what public assistance programs and tax credits you may qualify for.
United Way 2-1-1
United Way 2-1-1 can connect you to childcare, education resources and family support programs throughout Minnesota 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Assistance is available in multiple languages.
- Call 651-291-0211 or text your zip code to 898-211.
Child Care Assistance
Child Care Assistance is available for families who meet income guidelines and have been on the Minnesota Family Investment Program or Diversionary Work Program in the last 12 months.
Pathway 1 Early learning Scholarships
An Early Learning Scholarship – Pathway 1 can help make it more affordable for your child to attend high-quality child care and early education. Early learning opportunities prepare children for kindergarten. Scholarships amounts are based on application eligibility.
CollegeBound Saint Paul
CollegeBound is a City of Saint Paul guaranteed income and college savings program. Children living in Saint Paul who are born on or after January 1, 2020 are eligible.
Other Ramsey County programs that support families
- WIC is a supplemental food, nutrition and breastfeeding program that helps eligible pregnant women, new mothers, babies, and young children eat well, learn about nutrition and stay healthy.
- Family Home Visiting supports parents to give their babies the best start possible. A Public Health nurse provides information and support to help families develop skills as new parents.
- Parent Support Outreach Program helps eligible families find resources to provide safety and security for their children.
- Club Mom and Dad Parenting Support Groups are available for African American parents of young children to gather, share experiences and receive information on a variety of topics including positive parenting relationships, stress management, child-safety practices, child development and health insurance.
- Child and Teen Checkups works with families and health professionals to make sure youth are getting all their checkups.
Find early learning programs and child care
Parent Aware
Parent Aware provides free resources to help families find quality child care and early education programs.
- Call: 888-291-9811
Community Action Head Start and Early Head Start
Community Action Head Start and Early Head Start is a no-cost early childhood program that serves eligible families with children birth to age 5 living in Ramsey County. Head Start and Early Head Start connects families to comprehensive early education, health and community services that support family well-being.
- Call to enroll: 651-603-5977 or complete the online referral form to enroll.
Early Childhood Family Education
Early Childhood Family Education classes are offered through Minnesota public school districts and supports parents and caregivers in providing the best environment for their children’s learning and development
Find early childhood developmental and educational screening
Screening is used to measure skills and identify potential health or developmental problems in infants and young children.
Early Childhood Screening
Early Childhood Screening is available for children ages 3-5. All children must be screened before (or within 30 days of) entering Kindergarten.
Help Me Grow
Help Me Grow provides screening and assistance for children 0-5 years who may have developmental concerns.
Learn about Ramsey County's collaboratives
Ramsey County Children's Mental Health Collaborative
The Ramsey County Children's Mental Health Collaborative works to meet the complex needs of youth with mental health disorders and their families.
Suburban Ramsey County Family Collaborative
The Suburban Ramsey County Family Collaborative is a partnership of government and nonprofit organizations that works on behalf of children and families to improve support systems for families with a focus on wellness, learning, safety and security.
Saint Paul Children's Collaborative
The Saint Paul Children's Collaborative engages policy-makers, communities, business and other stakeholders to strengthen the social and economic fabric of Saint Paul to support the healthy development of youth.