Cov tshuaj txhaj
Txhaj koj koob tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob COVID-19 tsis tau them nyiaj.
- Txhua tus uas muaj hnub nyoog 6 lub hlis thiab siab dua ntawd tam sim no muaj feem tau txhaj qhov tshuaj tiv thaiv tus kab mob COVID-19.
- Tsis tas yuav muaj ntawv tuav pov hawm (insurance). Tsis siv daim ID.
- Koj tseem tuaj yeem txhaj tau ib koob xub thawj (initial) COVID-19 los tiv thaiv koj tus kheej, koj tsev neeg thiab koj lub zej zos, yog tias koj xaiv qhov no.
- Xyuas kom koj thiab koj tsev neeg paub txog cov koob tshuaj txhaj tiv thaiv COVID-19 thiab cov koob tshuaj txhab txhawb ntxiv. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (Cov Chaw Tswj Kab Mob) tau pom zoo kom txhaj cov koob txhaj txhawb ntxiv (booster shots) rau cov muaj hnub nyoog 6 hlis thiab siab dua.
Cov Chaw Txhaj Tshuaj Hauv Zej Zos
Beginning of tab section with 2 tabs. Left and right arrow keys will navigate between tab navigation links.
- Cov chaw kuaj mob uas txhaj tshuaj hauv zos yuav muaj los tom ntej no (selected)
- Thov tuaj txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob COVID-19 tom tsev
Cov chaw kuaj mob uas txhaj tshuaj hauv zos yuav muaj los tom ntej no
Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health uas yog lub chaw saib xyuas kev noj qab haus huv ntawm tsoom pej xeem thiab cov koom txoos ua hauj lwm ua ke hauv lub zej zos muaj tshuaj txhaj COVID-19 yam tsis tau them nyiaj rau cov neeg uas tsis muaj ntawv tuav pov hwm (uninsured) los yog tsis muaj ntawv tuav pov hwm txaus them tus nqi (underinsured).
- Koj tuaj yeem mus txhaj tau qhov tshuaj txhaj uas muab kho dua tshiab nyob rau ntawm ib qho chaw kuaj mob twg los tau, tab txawm tias koj tau txhaj cov koob tshuaj COVID dhau los nyob rau lwm qhov.
- Qhov tshuaj txhaj uas muab kho dua tshiab 2024 - 2025 muaj nyob rau ntawm cov chaw kuaj mob (clinics) no.
- Yuav tsum tau rau daim ntaub npog qhov ncauj thiab qhov ntswg.
Yog koj muaj ntawv tuav pov hwm kho mob thiab mus cuag tau kev kho mob, nws yog ib qho pom zoo tias koj mus txhaj qhov tshuaj txhaj COVID-19 uas tau muab kho dua tshiab nyob rau ntawm koj tus kws kho mob los yog lwm qhov chaw uas txais yuav koj daim ntawv tuav pov hwm kho mob.
Tserha Aryam Kidist Selassie EOTC
2601 Minnehaha Ave S,
Minneapolis, 55406
- 11 hli ntuj 2 (9 a.m. – 1 p.m.)
COVID-19 vaccine for people 5 years and older and flu vaccine.
Cov cia li nkag los xwb los kuj zoo siab txais tos.
Consulate of Ecuador with St. Mary’s
797 East 7th St.
Saint Paul 55106
- 11 hli ntuj 4 (9 a.m. – 1 p.m.)
COVID-19 vaccine for people 5 years and older and flu vaccine.
Cov cia li nkag los xwb los kuj zoo siab txais tos.
Mexican Consulate with St. Mary’s
797 East 7th St.
Saint Paul 55106
- 11 hli ntuj 4 (9 a.m. – 1 p.m.)
COVID-19 vaccine for people 5 years and older and flu vaccine.
Cov cia li nkag los xwb los kuj zoo siab txais tos.
Mexican Consulate with St. Mary’s
797 East 7th St.
Saint Paul 55106
- 11 hli ntuj 6 (2 – 6 p.m.)
COVID-19 vaccine for people 5 years and older and flu vaccine.
Cov cia li nkag los xwb los kuj zoo siab txais tos.
Sabathani Community Center with Minneapolis Public Health
310 E 38th St,
Minneapolis, 55409
- 11 hli ntuj 7 (11 a.m. – 2 p.m.)
COVID-19 vaccine for people 5 years and older and flu vaccine.
Cov cia li nkag los xwb los kuj zoo siab txais tos.
Twin Cities Recovery with CWC
3400 East Lake St.,
Minneapolis, 55407
- 11 hli ntuj 8 (1 – 4 p.m.)
COVID-19 vaccine for people 5 years and older and flu vaccine.
Cov cia li nkag los xwb los kuj zoo siab txais tos.
CWA Local 7200 with COPAL
3521 East Lake St.,
Minneapolis, 55406
- 11 hli ntuj 13 (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.)
COVID-19 vaccine for people 5 years and older and flu vaccine.
Cov cia li nkag los xwb los kuj zoo siab txais tos.
Franklin Library - Stairstep
1314 E Franklin Ave
Minneapolis, 55404
- 11 hli ntuj 13 (12:30 – 2 p.m.)
COVID-19 vaccine for people 5 years and older and flu vaccine.
Cov cia li nkag los xwb los kuj zoo siab txais tos.
Mexican Consulate with St. Mary’s
797 East 7th St.
Saint Paul 55106
- 11 hli ntuj 13 (2 – 6 p.m.)
COVID-19 vaccine for people 5 years and older and flu vaccine.
Cov cia li nkag los xwb los kuj zoo siab txais tos.
Mexican Consulate with St. Mary’s
797 East 7th St.
Saint Paul 55106
- 11 hli ntuj 16 (9 a.m. – 1 p.m.)
COVID-19 vaccine for people 5 years and older and flu vaccine.
Cov cia li nkag los xwb los kuj zoo siab txais tos.
Thov tuaj txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob COVID-19 tom tsev
This program is not accepting referrals at this time.
Minnesota Department of Health (Minnesota Feem Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv) muaj teem sij hawm tuaj txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob COVID-19 tom tsev. Qhov kev pab no muaj rau cov uas tawm tsis tau hauv lub tsev mus sab nraud thiab cov me nyuam. Xav paub ntxiv.
Daim Npav Txhaj Tshuaj
Yog koj xav tau daim npav txhaj tshuaj tshiab los yog xav tau ntawv pov thawj tias koj tau txhaj tshuaj COVID-19 lawm, you can access your records through the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC). MIIC uses the Docket app to list all your vaccines in one place, even if the vaccines were given by different health care providers in Minnesota. Use the Docket app to view immunization records, including COVID-19 vaccines.
- Download the free app: Apple App Store or Google Play.
- How to use the Docket app (PDF)
If you don't or can't use the app, you can still access your record from your health care provider or through the Minnesota Department of Health.