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Adult Mental Health Targeted Case Management
Adult Mental Health Targeted Case Management provides personalized, recovery-based services to support adults who experience mental and/or chemical health needs or have been diagnosed with a serious and persistent mental illness. Case management provides services that help individuals achieve recovery and allows them to function independently in the community. Case managers work to build relationships that foster hope, courage and resilience by building on the individual's strengths. Individuals meet with case managers once a month (at a minimum) to develop a roadmap that supports their journey to recovery.
Targeted case management services are available to anyone who qualifies regardless of their income.
Examples of what a case manager can assist with:
- Identifying what is important to the client.
- Identifying strengths and needs.
- Ensuring housing stability.
- Access to psychiatric and therapeutic supports.
- Coordination with other providers to address health and social needs.
- Coordination and monitoring of services.
- Crisis planning.
- Assistance with Social Security and/or financial assistance programs.
- Employment/educational support.
- Support to overcome daily life challenges.
Qualifications for case management services
Below is a list of qualifying criteria for services. Residents should not be discouraged from the program if they are unsure that they meet these qualifications. Please allow this to be done by the mental health staff.
Qualifying criteria:
- A diagnosis of serious and persistent mental illness, OR
- Two hospitalizations for mental health within two years, OR
- Received Mental Health Crisis Services twice within past two years, OR
- The adult has been in residential treatment or hospitalized for at least six months within the past year, OR
- Received Children’s Mental Health Case Management services prior to the referral for Adult Case Management.
Request a case manager
Clients are typically assessed and referred to targeted case management services by a community mental health provider.
If a client is not connected to a community provider, they can contact the Welcome Center at 651-266-7890 to discuss a possible referral to targeted case management services.
Documents needed:
- Diagnostic Assessment (DA). A DA is an assessment of mental health and it is completed by a licensed mental health professional.
- Statement of Need. A document that is also completed by the licensed mental health professional and accompanies the DA to indicate why the individual is requesting case management services.
Mental health professionals should fax completed documents to 651-266-7989.
Once documents are received, an intake worker will reach out to schedule an appointment to discuss your needs for targeted case management.
Need a licensed mental health professional to complete these documents?
- Licensed mental health professionals are typically found at mental health clinics. Most mental health clinics have staff that can complete this type of assessment and submit the required referral forms.
- If the client is not working with a mental health provider, a staff member at the Welcome Center can complete a Diagnostic Assessment for targeted case management services. Contact the Welcome Center at 651-266-7890.
For general assistance and additional information call Adult Mental Health Targeted Case Management at 651-266-4401.