Applications for Memberships

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Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County - Secondary Banner

Join community leaders engaged in supporting a more inclusive Ramsey County economy. Impact workforce initiatives that ensure businesses have the talent they need and residents have access to opportunity and prosperity.

Our 33-member Board is business led and also includes representatives from organized labor, community-based organizations, education, economic development, workforce development and government. WIB members, who are appointed by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners or the City of Saint Paul, are key decision makers in their organizations with knowledge and insight into economic and workforce issues. Membership requirements are established by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the City-County Joint Powers Agreement; however, all WIB meetings are open to the public and guests are welcomed.

Because members bring valuable insight, regular participation is essential. Members are expected to attend the full WIB meetings and serve on at least one committee. The WIB’s committees are made up of WIB and community members. 

To discuss opportunities for serving on the Board or a committee or to learn more about the work of the WIB, please contact Rebecca Milbrandt.

"I joined the Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County in the middle of a global pandemic when workforce challenges were fluctuating daily in Ramsey County. I am honored to have a seat at the table among this dynamic board as our community recovers and adapts to a changed economy".  - Chris Duffy, Vice President of Public Relations at Goff Public and WIB Member

Please select the application that corresponds to your interest.