Statement of Net Position

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The Statement of Net Position presents financial information on all of the county's capital and current assets, minus the current liabilities and long-term debt. The resulting amount is stated as "net position."

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Assets 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Total current and other assets $796,911,546 $562,936,675 $565,691,341 $547,284,700 $521,171,153
Total capital assets $877,378,313 $859,297,510 $842,598,276 $840,614,525 $839,490,104
Total assets $1,674,289,859 $1,422,234,185 $1,408,289,617 $1,387,899,225 $1,360,661,257


Liabilities 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Total current liabilities $100,001,515 $97,084,143 $116,291,713 $100,048,467 $117,045,398
Total non-current liabilities $788,678,172 $535,901,911 $336,241,048 $341,878,828 $319,181,727
Total liabilities $888,679,687 $632,986,054 $452,532,761 $441,927,295 $436,227,125


Net position 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Net investment in capital assets $654,540,159 $649,693,002 $624,056,790 $624,585,832 $613,754,846


$66,113,565 $93,663,238 $99,804,214 $108,108,169
Unrestricted $3,255,175 $82,008,935 $238,036,828 $221,581,884 $202,571,117
Total net position $785,610,172 $797,815,502 *$788,006,950 $945,971,930 $924,434,132


  • Capital assets: The county's land, building, equipment, improvements, infrastructure and construction in process, net of accumulated depreciation.
  • Net position: The difference between assets and liabilities, of which may or may not be available for future spending.
  • Net investment in capital assets: Represents the county's investment in its capital assets less accumulated depreciation and any outstanding debt attributable to the acquisition, construction or improvement of these assets.
  • Unrestricted net position: Represents the difference between assets and liabilities not restricted for use.

* - Due to required implementation of GASB 68 2014 ending net position was restated. Please see 2015 comprehensive annual financial report (PDF) for more information.

Assets and liabilities

  • Total assets increased 23 percent over the past five years, primarily due to the increase in current and other assets over this period.
  • Total liabilities increased 104 percent over the past five years, due largely to changes in disclosure policies related to pension liabilities (see GASB 68).

Net investments in capital assets

  • Capital assets increased 4.5 percent over the past five years.
  • Infrastructure and equipment was the key driver of the increase in capital assets.