2016 Popular Annual Financial Report

Thanks for your interest in Ramsey County and our 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR). This online presentation provides a general overview of our 2016 financials and highlights important initiatives and achievements from the past year. Please click on the section expanders below to explore Ramsey County's 2016 PAFR.
Introduction from the County Manager and CFO
Whether you're visiting us as a resident, business representative, partner, employee or other Ramsey County stakeholder, thank you for taking time to learn more about Ramsey County. We're pleased to present our 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR).
Lee Mehrkens, CFO
Julie Kleinschmidt,
County Manager
The PAFR format has been developed by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) as a complement to the more extensive and specialized Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (PDF). The PAFR’s purpose is to be "...readily accessible and easily understandable to the general public and other interested parties without a background in public finance."
Following that, this year we are presenting Ramsey County’s PAFR in a digital-first format here at ramseycounty.us/pafr. This new format allows you to:
- Access this information from anywhere, at any time on any type of device.
- Navigate directly to the specific PAFR content you are interested in.
- Translate the information instantly into dozens of languages using free online tools such as Google Translate or Bing Translator.
- Use audio assistive software to listen to this content if you are visually impaired.
- Retweet, share or like PAFR content to share with your social media networks.
- Follow linked text to learn more about our programs, services and news at ramseycounty.us.
We are proud to have been recognized every year since 2009 by GFOA for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Financial Reporting, and look forward to hearing your questions about the 2016 report and feedback about this digital-first approach. We also appreciate your help sharing our PAFR with others – we have created printed materials which you can find at our libraries and other office locations or download and print your own for display where you work and play in Ramsey County.
Thanks again for your interest –
Julie Kleinschmidt, County Manager Lee Mehrkens, Chief Financial Officer
Financial information at a glance
Find information on funding sources, revenues, expenditures trends and financial statements.
2016 service and program highlights
Ramsey County's Service Teams used county funds to deliver high-quality services, complete major projects and accomplish key initiatives in 2016. Select highlights are presented below:
County overview
Learn about Ramsey County and our community.