Projects & Initiatives

Countywide Strategic Plan
Ramsey County's Countywide Strategic Plan outlines a set of strategic priorities aligned with the county’s vision for a vibrant community where all are valued and thrive.

Comprehensive Plan
Ramsey County's 2040 Comprehensive Plan describes the county’s unique role in addressing regional prosperity, equity, livability, stewardship and sustainability over the next 20 years.

Transportation & Multi-Modal Transit

Cultural Media Pilot Program
Ramsey County is launching an in-language cultural media pilot program to help more members of our community get access to county news, information and resources.

Preventing & Ending Homelessness
Ramsey County works with local, regional and national efforts to end homelessness through Heading Home Ramsey.

Opioid Response Initiative
Minnesota is currently suffering from an opioid epidemic. Learn how Ramsey County is helping communities and individuals prevent and recover from the misuse of opioids.

Solar Resources
Ramsey County is committed to promoting renewable energy development and reducing greenhouse gas emission within its own operations, as well as within the housing, business, municipal and transportation sectors across the county.

Enhancing Environmental Health Services
Ramsey County is working with community to develop a new system to improve accessibility and participation in recycling and waste disposal services for all residents.

Urban Agriculture & Community Gardening
Community gardens promote health eating, increase food access and enhance community and environmental relationships.

Ramsey Connected
Built on the belief that internet access is a basic need, Ramsey Connected is an initiative designed to ensure all Ramsey County residents have access to low-cost internet and computers and the skills to use them.

Open Space Assessment
Ramsey County understands the value in ensuring that all residents have equitable access to quality open space amenities. This assessment shows potential gaps in access to open space resources and where lands in the gaps could be re-purposed.