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Site Assessment Grants
Ramsey County, in partnership with Minnesota Brownfields, offers financial assistance to help offset the cost of environmental assessment for affordable housing, commercial and mixed-use development projects, including youth, family, homeless supportive and community services, to improve indoor air quality and/or remove, prevent, or reduce blight, blighting factors or the causes of blight. Site Assessment Grants support projects in the early stages of development where site assessment and investigation is needed.
Who can apply?
Applicants must be a registered nonprofit with the State of Minnesota, an emerging developer, or a government supported organization or government entity.
How to apply?
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, year-round. Projects may apply for a maximum of $25,000 total in a 12-month span. Funds for this program are administered through Minnesota Brownfields.
Applicants are encouraged to submit a question online to receive a direct response from Community & Economic Development staff regarding a project(s) or grant requirements.
Eligibility checklist
Location: The project must be located within Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Levy area of operation, which includes all of Ramsey County except for the City of North Saint Paul as of 2023.
Property ownership: The applicant must have ownership of the property or a valid purchase agreement in place or a lease agreement with another non-profit owner or government entity.
Contractors: Applicant must obtain a cost estimate from a qualified contractor. Please contact Minnesota Brownfields to verify if the contractor is qualified.
Emerging developer attestation: Applicants applying as an emerging developer are required to complete a notarized copy of the Emerging Developer Attestation Form. An emerging developer is defined as an individual or entity that has owned and/or developed no more than 25 housing units or 15,000 sq. ft. of commercial space in in the state of Minnesota in the last ten years as a sole proprietor or under other business entities.
Eligible activities
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, including update on expired.
- Phase II ESA or additional follow-up investigation activities required by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or needed to support the project, including subsequent rounds of sampling.
- Regulated building materials survey.
- Response Action Plan development.
- Environmental sampling.
- Soil borings.
- Soil probes.
- Test pits.
- Soil vapor testing.
- Sub-slab vapor testing.
- Hazardous material survey (within a building).
Radon testing is supported in limited situations:
- Applicant is a non-profit or government entity.
- Project involves affordable housing (i.e., not market-rate).
- Radon testing is required a part of financial support.
If the scope of work includes any of the following procedures it is an ineligible project:
- Non-residential asbestos and/or lead-paint abatement.
- Mold remediation.
- Incurred costs.
The following activities will be eligible for Ramsey County’s Environmental Response Fund instead:
- Soil or groundwater cleanup.
- Soil vapor mitigation.
- Asbestos and lead-based paint abatement.
Funding priorities
- Increase in affordable housing units.
- Increases in jobs.
- Increases in property taxes.
- Supports community centered projects, including projects led by emerging developers.
- Located in an environmental justice area as defined by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
- Potential to catalyze further redevelopment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is classified as an Emerging Developer?
An emerging developer is defined as an individual or entity that has owned and/or developed no more than 25 housing units or 15,000 sq. ft. of commercial space in in the state of Minnesota in the last ten years as a sole proprietor or under other business entities.
How are number of properties counted? Is land or personal homes included?
Personal homes (including previously owned) do not count towards the 25 housing units. If you currently own or have previously owned additional sites or land and are unsure whether they count, please email [email protected] to discuss your qualification and status as an emerging developer.
What is the difference between Site Assessment Grants (SAG) and Environmental Response Fund (ERF)?
Visit here to learn more about the difference between SAG and ERF.
When does the attestation form need to be provided?
All applicants applying as an emerging developer are required to complete and provide a notarized copy of the Emerging Developer Attestation Form which will be included as a part of the application for funding.
How much funding is available?
In total, $150,000 has been allocated to Site Assessment Grants for 2023. Projects may apply for a maximum of $25,000 total in a 12-month span. The estimated project cost should not exceed $25,000.
How is this program being funded?
The Site Assessment Grants program is funded through the Ramsey County Housing Redevelopment Authority levy. Funds will be distributed to eligible projects on rolling basis and do not have to repaid by the grantee at any point or under any circumstance.
Can I submit multiple projects? Could they both be funded at the same time?
Yes, you may submit separate applications for multiple projects to be considered for funding. Applications will be reviewed, and funding will be distributed on a rolling basis.
How will my project be evaluated and scored?
Please see information under “funding priorities.”
What is Ramsey County’s relationship with Minnesota Brownfields?
Minnesota Brownfields serves as administrator of the SAG program. Minnesota Brownfields is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that promotes the efficient cleanup and reuse of contaminated land as a means of generating economic growth, strengthening communities and enabling sustainable land use and development. Minnesota Brownfields evaluates proposals for Site Assessment Grants in alignment with county’s strategic goals for redevelopment.