Food Security Cooperative Expenditure Grant Solicitation

A Ramsey County 2022 Food Security Assessment reveals a steep increase of food insecurity among Ramsey County residents and the need for flexible programming to address the issue. Increasing food distribution in places already served by Ramsey County is one solution to addressing these immediate needs.

Ramsey County seeks qualified and established food shelves, food banks, backpack programs and unprepared meal programs to increase food security. The county will partner with awarded grantees to significantly improve current services to Ramsey County residents. 


Organizations must meet both of the following requirements to be eligible:

  • Applicants must have at least three years in operation as a food shelf or pantry, food bank, backpack program or unprepared meal program. 
  • Applicants must be a registered organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State or have a relationship with a fiscal agent or be a recognized tribal nation.  

How to apply

Grant applications must be received by the county through the online application by 4 p.m. CST on July 8.


Details for the grant program are provided below. Select a heading to show related content.

Please read the schedule for other important dates such as the information sessions to answer your questions about the application process.

Submission of this application does not guarantee a grant award. No work can start until the Cooperative Expenditure Grant Agreements and a subsequent statement of work have been fully signed by the organization and the county.

Applying after the deadline on July 8

Cooperative expenditure grant agreements


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Evaluation criteria

Applications are evaluated based on the following criteria:

Evaluation criteria Points
Service delivery experience. 15
Capacity to meet community needs. 15
Ability to serve diverse community members in an equitable manner. 15
Ability to provide necessary reports. 5
Total 50


Scroll table right to see more




Solicitation posted.

June 10

Information session to discuss the work to be performed, answer questions and clarify ambiguities.

Zoom Link

Contact [purchasing specialist] before the event to request an interpreter or specific accommodations.

June 18
1 p.m.

Email questions due.
(send to [email protected])

June 24
4 p.m.

Answers posted on this page.
Questions and Answers (PDF)

June 28

Applications must be received by.

July 8
4 p.m.

Anticipated start of cooperative expenditure grant agreements.

Aug. 15