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Workforce Development
Ramsey County Workforce Solutions supports the success of area businesses through quality workforce development services. With access to over 25,000 job candidates, Workforce Solutions will help find your next staff member or up-skill your current workforce. Services are free and made available by the public workforce and economic development system. Call us to speak to a workforce development representative.
- Job posting and recruitment: Reach over 25,000 job seekers and 500 workforce professionals through our employment network.
- Job Connect: Job Connect is the largest workforce and training network in the Twin Cities. Job Connect links job seekers, employers and workforce professionals together through its website, networking events and community outreach.
- Construction Hiring Connection: Construction Hiring Connection connects qualified construction workers with employers. Businesses can sign up to get access to a database of construction candidates.
- Job Fairs: Contact us to find out about upcoming job fairs and hiring events.
- Job placement and retention: Workforce Solutions staff recruit, screen and send employers candidates with the skills and credentials to fill their job openings. Staff will continue to meet with employers and new hires to ensure a successful experience.
- Employer of the Day: Businesses can hire right out of the CareerForce locations. Being an Employer of the Day is a great way to promote your company while screening and interviewing candidates on site.
- Host an emerging worker: Through emerging worker programs, businesses provide the job, work direction and supervision, and Workforce Solutions provides the staff, pay, coaching and retention support. County staff work with each employer to place an emerging or transitioning worker at their site for up to 12 weeks.
- Upgrade current employee skills: Assistance is available to help employers apply for state grants to upgrade the skill sets of current workers. Workforce Solutions is a partner of the state to help businesses apply.
- Layoff services: Certified employment counselors work with businesses that are downsizing to help impacted employees quickly become reemployed and access retraining and support dollars. Read about our services for job seekers.
Job candidates
Workforce Solutions works with all job seekers, from new workers to skilled professionals.
- Emerging workers: Emerging workers are young adults and individuals entering the workforce. They are ready for entry-level work to start on their career paths.
- Mid-career professionals: These seasoned professionals may have just experienced a layoff or are making a career transition. Either way, they bring valuable expertise and experience to your workplace.
Employer rewards
Employers enjoy several rewards for using Workforce Solutions services:
- Reduced advertising, training and retention costs.
- Reduced hiring time.
- Increased worker productivity.
- Lower employee turnover.
- Support for emerging workers.
- Access to state and federal grants to increase existing workforce skills.
- Hiring incentives and tax credits.
Public and social services funding
Funding for the delivery of public and social services is an eligible activity of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. To be eligible for CDBG funds, a public service must be new or quantifiably increased. Organizations must be able to document that services primarily benefit low- and moderate-income (LMI) individuals or families.
Funds may not be used to replace funding previously provided by any level of government. Applicants also should not consider CDBG as an ongoing source of funding.
Ramsey County communities have identified the following priorities for allocating public service dollars:
- Employment-related services that better equip LMI residents with job-seeking and job-improvement skills.
- Housing-related educational services.