Foster inclusive economic development within county transit and key commercial corridors
In alignment with recommended actions from Strategy 3, Community & Economic Development has begun to implement the work of the plan.

Allocate resources to Minnesota Housing Finance Agency’s Consolidated Request for Proposals
- Through the annual Housing Development solicitation, Ramsey County awards funding that support projects that are seeking additional funding from state resources. Ramsey County funding can increase the competitiveness of projects in their applications for state and federal funds.
Develop an Equitable Development Framework
- Created and implemented an Equitable Development Framework that centers racial equity in County land use development and economic development decisions. This Framework is now used in project applications scoring and prioritization.
Explore using HRA funding to support strategic acquisition.
- Initiate Critical Corridors programs that support place-based investments along major transportation, commercial and cultural corridors, including the Development & Infrastructure program that funds strategic property acquisition.
Establish flexible capital fund to support naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH)
- Preservation projects approved through the annual Housing Development Solicitation
- Ramsey County has also partnered with the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund as part of their NOAH II Impact Fund that supports the acquisition and preservation of naturally occurring affordable housing buildings and properties.
- Support the portfolio of small-scale housing developers through the development of the Emerging and Diverse Developers (EDD) program. The EDD program pairs technical assistance to emerging developers with a tailored solicitation supported small scale, community centered, innovative projects that lead to the rehabilitation and construction of affordable housing units.
Explore, with city partners, a First Right of Refusal policy
- No updates to provide at this time.