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Triad Program
The Triad Program is a partnership among three community resources - senior citizens, members of law enforcement, and community groups. The purpose of Triad is to proactively focus on issues that are unique to seniors.
This cooperation strives to reduce criminal victimization of older persons while increasing awareness through a number of activities. These activities include monthly meetings that cover such topics as crime prevention and education about personal safety issues and crime trends that target seniors. A holiday party and picnic are also held.
As a community policing program, Triad serves as a forum to listen and act on the concerns of seniors. Triad also frequently acts as a resource to assist seniors in finding help from other government agencies and private organizations. Triad is based on a national program started in 1988 by the American Association of Retired People (AARP) and the National Sheriffs’ Association.
Attend one meeting per month. Share ideas on issues affecting seniors. Assist law enforcement in volunteer events, which promote safety, security, and education for seniors.