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Auto Theft
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In the United States a vehicle is stolen about every 45 seconds! Nearly half of all auto thefts are due to owner error.
Did you know?
- 25% of the vehicles stolen had the keys inside the auto.
- 66% of the thefts occurred at night.
- 70% of the autos stolen were left unlocked..
- 95% of the autos stolen had no anti-theft device installed or activated.
Find out below how to prevent auto theft and what to do if your auto is stolen:
Tips To Prevent Auto Theft
- Leave your auto running unattended.
- Leave your auto unlocked, even in a garage.
- Leave your auto windows open.
- Hide a spare key in your auto.
- Park your auto in a poorly lit space.
- Leave valuables, such as bags, boxes, wrapped presents, etc. in your auto.
Auto Stolen: What to do
CONTACT POLICE: file a report and obtain a police report and/or a case number. You will be asked to provide the following information:
- License plate number.
- Make.
- Model.
- Color.
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
- Any identifying characteristics.
CALL YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY: within 24 hours of discovering your auto has been stolen
- Provide the insurance company with the police report and the case number
IF YOU FIND YOUR AUTO: contact the police and your insurance company immediately