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Potential Traffic Solutions
The traffic solutions described below would improve traffic flow and safety for motorists and other roadway users, including pedestrians and bicyclists.
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Photo examples
The image gallery below shows an example of each potential traffic calming solution described on this page.
On-street parking
On-street parking is parking available along the curb of a street.
- Provides vehicle access to businesses along Rice Street.
- Can act as a traffic-calming device and buffer between the sidewalk and roadway.
- Additional right-of-way space requirement.
Project goals addressed
- Safe traffic operations.
Lane reduction/4-to-3 lane conversion
A lane reduction decreases the number of lanes on the roadway. A common example is a 4-to-3 lane conversion which changes a four-lane roadway to a three-lane roadway that consists of two through traffic lanes and a left turn lane in the center.
- Can reduce crashes by 19% in urban areas (Federal Highway Administration).
- Shortens pedestrian crossing distance.
- Provides shoulder space for bikes and emergency pull-off.
- Reduces vehicle conflict points.
- Improves traffic flow with less lane switching.
- May increase traffic delays.
- Without traffic controls it may reduce gaps in traffic for pedestrians to cross.
- Potential of buses blocking travel lanes.
Project goals addressed
- Safe traffic operations.
Flashing yellow arrows
Flashing yellow arrows allow motorists to make left turns after yielding to oncoming traffic.
- Reduces vehicle delay with more opportunities to make a left turn.
- Typically used during times of day with lower traffic volumes.
- Flashing yellow arrow phase is at the same time as the walk phase for pedestrians.
- Arrows need a dedicated turn lane for full safety benefit.
Project goals addressed
- Safe traffic operations.
Dedicated turn lanes
Dedicated turn lanes allow turning vehicles to exit the through traffic lane then slow down to find an appropriate gap in traffic and a make turning movement.
- Reduces delay and queuing of vehicles at intersections.
- Increases the capacity of a roadway or intersection.
- Reduces the number of rear-end and sideswipe crashes.
- Improves traffic flow.
- Increases crossing width for pedestrians.
Project goals addressed
- Safe traffic operations.
Pedestrian lighting
Pedestrian lighting is illumination of the roadway and pedestrian surfaces from light fixtures.
- Reduction in nighttime fatal crashes of up to 65% for vehicles and up to 52% for pedestrians (National Cooperative Highway Research Program).
- Improved visibility of intersections and crossings.
- Increased security and reduced crime.
- Lighting should be positioned at the approach of all intersections which can result in bright spots.
- Lighting levels needed for high traffic roadways can shed light pollution on adjacent residential areas.
Project goals addressed
- Safe traffic operations.
- Safe pedestrian accommodations.
- Welcoming streetscape.
- Public safety.
3/4 access
3/4 access are intersections that eliminate left and through movements from the minor roadway, movements that are hazardous as vehicles need to find a gap in both directions of traffic.
- Reduces conflict points.
- Reduces left turn and right-angle crashes.
- Discourages prohibited movements.
- May increase travel time.
- Driver compliance with restricted movements.
- Requires a cross section with a sufficiently wide median to provide turning space while also restricting movements.
Project goals addressed
- Safe traffic operations.
Right-in/right-out intersections restrict traffic entering and exiting the minor roadway to a right turn only. Vehicles are unable to turn left from any approach and through movements are also prohibited from the minor roadway. They are applicable where left-in or left-out movements create an operational or safety problem. The left turn movements are restricted by a channelizing island.
- Reduces conflict points.
- Reduces left turn and right-angle crashes.
- Discourages prohibited movements.
- May increase travel time.
- Driver compliance with restricted movements.
Project goals addressed
- Safe traffic operations.