Lake Johanna Boulevard Trail Design
Contact us
Ramsey County is leading a study to identify trail and road design concepts for Lake Johanna Boulevard between Snelling Avenue North and County Road D in Arden Hills.
The goal of this study is to explore options for a potential future trail along this stretch of Lake Johanna Boulevard.
Watch a November 2021 NineNorth Cities Speak podcast to learn more about this project and similar studies on Vadnais Boulevard and Victoria Street.
- Link to existing trail infrastructure and nearby destinations.
- Create a safe and comfortable walking/biking environment along and across Lake Johanna Boulevard.
- Construct improvements that can be easily maintained.
- Improve vehicle traffic mobility and safety.
- Minimize property impacts.
- Develop improvements that are financially feasible.
- Summer - fall 2021: Analyze data and existing conditions
- Fall 2021: Gather feedback and engage with the community about their ideas for a trail
- Fall 2021 - winter 2022: Draft conceptual designs
- Winter 2022: Share conceptual designs with the public and gather feedback
- Spring 2022: Revise conceptual designs based on technical considerations and community feedback
- Spring 2022: Share revised designs with the public and gather feedback
- Early summer 2022: Develop recommended design and corridor study report
Community engagement
Public engagement began in fall 2021.
Open houses
- In-person open house - Oct. 5, 2021, 5-7 p.m.
- Virtual open house - Oct. 12, 2021, 7 p.m.
- Virtual open house - March 1, 2022, 7 p.m.
- View recording
- View presentation slides (PDF, 6 MB)
- In-person open house - July 7, 2022, 7 p.m.
- View presentation slides (PDF, 8 MB)
Common feedback themes - fall 2021
- Generally supportive of having trail separated from traffic.
- Cars travel too fast on this road, causing accidents.
- Roadway doesn’t feel safe to walk, bike and/or push a stroller, especially with children.
View fall 2021 engagement summary (PDF)
Common feedback themes - spring 2022
- Support for both the east and west side options, with the west option being slightly more favored in public feedback.
- Prefer east/south option because it’s more enjoyable to walk lakeside.
- Prefer the west/north option because there’s more space, less disruption to private properties, better connections to existing trails.
- Concern about the trail’s impacts to homeowners/private property.
- Motorists speed through this area; crossing is difficult when dealing with different visibilities and car speeds; feel these pedestrian/bicyclist safety improvements are greatly needed.
View spring 2022 engagement summary (PDF)
Common feedback themes - summer 2022
- General support and excitement for this project; it is a needed safety improvement for the community.
- Support for north/west trail and separation of trail from traffic.
- Support for pedestrian safety improvements and traffic calming measures; desire for additional measures to reduce vehicle speeds.
- Concerns about implementation timeframe, property impacts, vehicle speeds, and safety at roadway crossings.
Project area