Waterworks Remodel & Maintenance Project

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Ramsey County Waterworks at Battle Creek Regional Park was constructed in 2000 to serve the community as a family water park within the Ramsey County regional park system.

This project will:

  • Repair the mechanical systems, pools and play structures
  • Add ADA accessibility upgrades
  • Add energy and efficiency upgrades to the building systems
  • Repave the parking lot facility
  • Repair and upgrade the stormwater system
  • Add shaded seating areas and internal non-water play space




  • Metropolitan Council Grant Program for Recreation Open Space Development – Modernization
  • Metropolitan Council Grant Program for Recreation Open Space Development State of Minnesota
  • General Obligation Bond
  • Regional Park Operations and Maintenance Funds
  • Metropolitan Council for Legacy Amendment Parks and Trails Fund Projects
Children and adults in a wading pool with a large playground structure.