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Inmate Medical Care
Medical services
By law, Ramsey County is required to provide healthcare services to inmates currently in custody. The Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office partners with Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health to operate an onsite medical clinic to manage the healthcare needs of inmates. The onsite medical clinic, staffed 24-hours a day seven days a week by medical professionals, reduces transportation costs and liability issues while maintaining public safety and security.
Existing healthcare and treatment options
If an inmate is under the care of a private healthcare provider, medical staff will work with the provider to continue necessary treatment.
Inmates that receive prescription medication through a private healthcare provider may continue the medication, if verified and approved by medical staff.
Prescription medication for inmates are accepted at the Adult Detention Center. Prescription medication must be in its original prescription container.
Prescription eyeglasses or reading glasses are also accepted at the Adult Detention Center. Please label glasses with the inmates full name.
Medical concerns
If there are medical concerns regarding an in-custody inmate, please contact the Health Services Unit at 651-266-9414.
Medical information
The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and other state and federal laws, rules, and regulations govern the sharing of information with anyone other than the patient.
Contact Us
Adult Detention Center
425 Grove St.
Saint Paul, MN 55101