The county is open for business and here to serve our community. More information
Requests for Deletion
Use this page to request deletion of recitals or memorials only, not for document pre-approval. If you don’t hear from us by the next business day, please contact us to make sure we received your email.
For a deletion request, our fee is $100 single Certificate of Title (“COT”) plus $25 for each additional COT.
Whoever submits the request will be held responsible for making sure we receive the payment within thirty days of receiving the Examiner’s Directive – whether or not the closing occurs and regardless of which side of the closing cuts the check.
If we do not receive payment within said thirty days, all future requests from your company must be paid upfront until we receive payment for the unpaid Directive.
Checks should be made payable to Ramsey County, and our “ET” file number should be written in the memo line. The envelope should be addressed as follows:
Examiner of Titles
90 West Plato Blvd., Suite 110
Saint Paul, MN 55107
Please note: If it is not addressed properly and your payment is mistakenly deposited by another department (i.e. as a property tax payment or as part of the recording package), the money will not likely be transferred to our office or refunded to you, and it will be continue to be your responsibility to make sure we are paid.
Turnaround Time
Turnaround time depends, in large part, on our staffing levels and customer volumes. Generally, obtaining an Examiner's Directive takes 2-3 business days. Please plan accordingly.
Please note: Our staff is mostly working remotely. If you send documents to our office by U.S. mail, courier, or overnight delivery (e.g. FedEx or UPS), you should expect delays.