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United Way First Call For Help 651-291-0211
Emergency social services (5 p.m.-8:30 a.m.) 651-266-4500
Adult mental health 24/7 crisis line 651-266-7900
Children's mental health 24/7 crisis line 651-266-7878
Red Cross emergency aid 612-871-7676
SOS Sexual offense services 651-266-1000

Financial assistance

Intake information (all financial assistance programs) 651-266-4444
Child care payments 651-266-4019
Child care information and referral 651-641-0332
Child support (support and collections) 651-266-3344
Closed record inquiries
EBT customer service (lost or stolen cards) 888-997-2227
Emergency coordinated shelter intake (for families with dependent children who are homeless) 651-215-2262
Funeral assistance 651-266-3645
Managed health care unit 651-266-3700
BluePlus Medicaid help line 651-662-5545
Health Partners Medicaid help line 952-967-7998 or 866-885-8880
Medica Medicaid help line 952-992-2322
UCare Medicaid help line 612-676-3200
Non-emergency medical transportation 866-467-1724
TEFRA (Medical Assistance for children with disabilities)


Workforce Solutions (employment services) 651-266-4750

Mental health

Crisis 651-266-7900
Fax 651-266-7850
General information desk 651-266-7999
Mental Health Center appointments 651-266-7999
Welcome Center - Walk-ins 651-266-7890
Children's mental health services 651-266-4500

Social services

Adoptions 651-266-5437
Adult protection 651-266-4012
Appeals - Social Services 651-266-4795
Chemical assessment and referral unit 651-266-4008
Child protection and maltreatment 651-266-4500 (press 1)
Financial assistance 651-266-4500 (press 2)
MnCHOICES Intake Assessment 651-266-4500 (press 3)
Foster Care 651-266-4500 (press 4)
Children's Mental Health referrals 651-266-4500 (press 5)
Mothers First 651-266-7820
Children's 24/7 crisis line 651-774-7000
Child care search 651-641-0332
Child care payments 651-266-4019
Child care licensing 651-266-3781
Detoxification center 651-266-4009
Disabilities (intellectual, developmental and physical) 651-266-3613
Foster care intake (child) 651-266-5491 (KIDS)
Foster care licensing 651-266-5491 (KIDS)
Foster care (adult) 651-266-4256
Pre-petition (commitment) screening 651-266-7890
Seniors - community home-based services 651-266-3613

Community resources

Birth, death and marriage certificates 651-266-1333
Catholic Charities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis (University Avenue) 651-222-3001
Dorothy Day Center 651-647-2350
Children's Home Society Adoption Services 651-646-7771
Disability Hub MN 866-333-2466
First Call for Help referrals (United Way) 211
Jewish Family Services 651-698-0767
Legal assistance (Southern Minnesota Legal Services) 651-222-4731
Lutheran Social Services 651-642-5990
Energy assistance (Community Action Partnership) 651-645-6445
Salvation Army Social Aid 651-224-6946
City of Saint Paul 651-266-8989
Saint Paul-Ramsey County Department of Public Health (general information) 651-266-2400
Saint Paul-Ramsey County Department of Public Health (clinic information) 651-266-1200
Senior Linkage Line 800-333-2433
Woodland Hills Church Coordinated Shelter Intake Services 651-215-2262
Workers Compensation Office 651-284-5005