Community members provide feedback on county’s Climate Action Framework

On Oct. 18, 48 community members gathered with 20 county leaders and staff members at Neighborhood House’s Paul Wellstone Center to discuss the county’s draft Climate Action Framework. With tacos from El Burrito Mercado as fuel, community members chose to review and revise activities listed in two of six major goal areas in the framework: clean transportation, climate-smart natural land, clean energy and efficient buildings, resilient communities, healthy lives and clean economy.
Community members shared concerns, ideas, and suggestions with one another and with county facilitators to help ensure that the county’s climate action framework responds to actual community member needs and experiences.
This conversation was the second large-scale climate action community conversation the county has facilitated and is just the beginning of a long-term process to address the causes and impacts of climate change in Ramsey County in partnership with residents. Stay tuned to our climate action website, where you can sign up to receive email updatesabout the climate action framework and learn about future opportunities to get involved.