American Rescue Plan Act Learn & Earn Contracting Opportunities
Ramsey County is seeking community-based partners to provide learn and earn employment training services to young adults, ages 18-30. These training opportunities will be focused on providing young adults with the required skills, certifications and credentials to enter or continue on a pathway to a gateway occupation.
Ramsey County recognizes that learn and earn programming can be more costly than traditional employment programs. As a result:
Ramsey County and Saint Paul plan to award approximately $10 million.
Ramsey County anticipates awarding between 8-12 vendors and awards will range from $1 million to $2 million for a term of February 2023-September 2026.
Ramsey County and Saint Paul plan to use these funds to serve approximately 700 participants with these funds.
Ramsey County uses Demand Star to post and update contract solicitations, including this request for proposals.