Recycling & Trash Collection Frequently Asked Questions
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Whatever your question, your hauler, your city and Ramsey County are here to help.
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Contact your city
- To find out who collects recycling and trash (if you are in a house).
- For questions about city-sponsored programs, like clean-up days, shredding events or bulky waste programs.
Contact your hauler
Contact your trash or recycling hauler:
- With questions about pickup schedules.
- If you have a missed pickup, need a new cart, or have a hauling complaint.
- When you don’t know if an item is accepted in curbside recycling (or if Ramsey County couldn’t assist).
- For a bulky waste trash pickup.
Contact Ramsey County
Contact Ramsey County:
- With general trash and recycling questions, like “How do I get rid of this?” or “Can I recycle this?”
- With questions about our collection programs (food scraps, household hazardous waste, yard waste and medicine collection).
Still not sure?
If you're still unsure, start with Ramsey County's 24/7 Recycling & Disposal Hotline (language services available). Call 651-633-EASY (3279).