Rental Fees

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All fees listed are before tax.


Location Capacity Fee
Battle Creek - Full pavilion 500 $515
Battle Creek - North half (weekdays only) 150 $258
Battle Creek - South half (weekdays only) 250 $258
Tony Schmidt 125 $340
Long Lake 500 $515
Vadnais-Snail Lakes - Snail Lake Section 200 $406
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Park Shelter ID Capacity Length Fee
Bald Eagle N/A 60 Full day $142
Battle Creek N/A 75 Full day $184
Island Lake 1 100 Full day $184
2 100 Full day $184
Tony Schmidt N/A 75 Full day $184
Keller Island #1 50 Full day $125
Golfview #4 75 Full day $184
Golfview #5 75 Full day $184
Golfview #6 125 Full day $258
Lakeside #2 50 Full day $125
Lower #3 50 Full day $125
Round #7 50 Full day $125
Lake Owasso N/A 50 Full day $125
Long Lake Shelter 1 50 Full day $125
Shelter 2 - Lions Park 150 Full day $258
Lake McCarrons N/A 50 Full day $125
Vadnais-Snail Lakes - Snail Lake Section* 3 50 Full day  $125
Vadnais-Snail Lakes - Sucker Lake Section 1 80 Full day $184
2 80 Full day $184
Turtle Lake N/A 75 Full day $184

*Shelter closed and not available to rent.

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Basic shelters

Location Shelter ID Capacity Length Fee
Beaver Lake N/A 30 Full day $60
Island Lake 3 50 Full day $97