Healthy Aging

Aging doesn’t start at a specific time or age in life. It’s a normal, life-long process. Healthy aging means keeping and developing the abilities that make health and wellbeing possible in older age, so people can age in the way they want to. Learn how Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health's Healthy Aging Initiative is taking action to enable healthy aging in Ramsey County.
Focusing on healthy aging is important because of new realities:
- The current population of people who have now reached 55 years of age is growing rapidly. For the first time in the county’s history, there are now more older adults in the county than school-age children.
- A growing number of older adults are involving in caring for their grandchildren.
- The diversity of older adults is increasing.
- Many adults 55+ years older are more active than previous generations. They want to stay in their homes and communities as they age and to contribute to society.
Aging in place/aging in community
A growing number of older adults want to age in their homes, which has been described as “aging in place.” That idea is evolving into “aging in community,” which recognizes that healthy aging is not an individual process. Government systems, organizational practices, environments and programs impact the ability of older adults to stay in their homes and have choices as they age. Those elements affect some communities inequitably and don’t always recognize the strengths of elders. Communities are stronger when they are more equitable and view older adults as assets.
Livable communities
Livable communities contribute to healthy aging. They are equitable places where residents can thrive as they age. Older adults feel valued, safe and have affordable and accessible housing and transportation options. Livable communities recognize and celebrate the strengths and contributions of older adults. They increase engagement through connections with others.
People of all ages and abilities benefit when communities enable healthy aging. Sidewalks that are smooth help people who walk with a cane; they also make life easier for someone pushing a stroller. Learn more about livable communities from AARP.
Healthy Aging Initiative
The mission of Saint Paul – Ramsey County’s Healthy Aging Initiative is to enable Ramsey County residents to thrive by maintaining and increasing their health and wellbeing as they age.
The Healthy Aging Initiative partners with older adults, private and public organizations, service and medical providers and local governments to identify the cultural and community needs and strengths of one of the fastest growing populations in Ramsey County. These relationships and partnerships are the basis of everything the Healthy Aging Initiative does. Both lived experience and data inform the Initiative’s work.
Get involved in healthy aging
Talk with your neighbors
Find ways to connect with your neighbors about healthy aging and make a difference in your community.
Join the Saint Paul Mayor’s Advisory Council on Aging
The Advisory Committee on Aging (ACOA) is a group of residents and organizations that support and provide policy guidance to the City of Saint Paul on aging issues and seniors. Learn more
Join the Ramsey County Citizen Advisory Council on Adult Services
The Ramsey Community Advisory Council provides feedback and suggestions about county policies and services to Social Services, Financial Assistance Services, Health and Wellness Administration, other departments and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. Learn more
Age Friendly and Equity Alliance, Ramsey County|
The Age Friendly and Equity Alliance, Ramsey County (AFEA-RC) is a grass roots group that brings together residents, local organizations, service providers and government to build the county’s livability. The goal is to increase the health and wellbeing of older adults through policies, systems and programs. For more information, contact:
- Email Teisha Magee or call 651-298-5493
- Email Emmy Treichel or call 651-645-3044
Sign up for the Healthy Aging Initiative’s mailing list
The Healthy Aging Initiative sends out weekly resources, a monthly digest and more. Sign up
Contact your elected officials
You do not need to be an expert. Simply tell them what you’re concerned about:
- Your elected officials want to hear from you!
- You can simply talk about your experience as you age in community and what you think would help.
- This is the most effective way to impact policies and laws.
Age-friendly and Equity Alliance, Ramsey County
Ramsey County
In partnership with communities and organizations, the Age-friendly and Equity Alliance, Ramsey County has started a thorough, multi-year process to increase Ramsey County’s age friendliness. The Alliance is a collaboration that includes residents, local organizations, service providers and Ramsey County government to enhance the county’s livability and age friendliness through community engagement.
Alliance’s goal is to impact programs, policies and systems that impact older adults to create a more livable, age-friendly county. The result of the Alliances’ work will be concrete, measurable steps that community members and the county can take. It will result in recommendations to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the empowerment of community members to create a more livable county.
Community Listening Sessions
The Alliance held three community listening sessions between October 2023 and March 2024. The sessions were funded through an Age-Friendly Minnesota Community Grant to engage a wide range of community members about what is important to them as they grow older in their communities.
State of Minnesota
In 2019, Governor Walz created a team to develop recommendations for policies and legislation to make Minnesota an age-friendly state. Their work will be a resource for the Age-friendly and Equity Alliance, Ramsey County.
Healthy Aging Month
September is National Healthy Aging Month, which encourages older adults to focus on their health and wellbeing. Ways to celebrate include connecting with others, picking a healthy activity, playing a sport, going for walks and making small changes in diet.
The 2024 theme is Powered by Connection, which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and wellbeing.
Senior LinkAge Line
Ramsey County Senior Services
Older adults and caregivers can find out about eligibility for other senior services by submitting an online MnCHOICES assessment request.
- Intake line: 651-266-3613
- More information
- MnCHOICES assessment request